Ascona 2012

Massimiliano Berti, "Existence of quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations via the theorem of Nash-Moser" PDF.

Walter Craig, "Vortex filament interactions and Hamiltonian PDEs" PDF.

Percy Deift, "Long-time behavior of solutions of the Initial/Boundary Value Problem for the one-dimensional focusing NLS equation on a half-line {x>0} with Robin boundary conditions at the origin x=0" PDF.

Jean-Marc Delort, "Quasi-linear perturbations of Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon equations on spheres" PDF.

Benjamin Dodson, "Concentration compactness for the $L_2$-critical nonlinear Schoedinger equation" PDF.

Hakan Eliasson, "KAM type theorems for nonlinear Hamiltonian PDEs" PDF.

Erwan Faou, "Existence and stability of ground states for fully discrete approximations of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation" PDF.

Patrick Gérard, "A general formula for the cubic Szegö equation and applications" PDF.

Vadim Kaloshin, "Arnold diffusion via invariant cylinders and Mather variational method" PDF (notes).

Sergei Kuksin, "Around the Cauchy-Kowalewski and Ovsyannikov-Nirenberg theorems" PDF.

Yvan Martel, "Blow up and near soliton dynamics for the mass critical (gKdV) equation" PDF.

Frank Merle, "Global dynamics of focusing nonlinear wave equations" (survey lecture) PDF.

Kenji Nakanishi, "Global dynamics of the 3D Zakharov system" PDF.

Michela Procesi, "Quasi-periodic solutions for the resonant NLS equation on the torus" PDF.

Jérémie Szeftel, "The Bounded L2 curvature 'conjecture' in general relativity" PDF.

Daniel Tataru, "Local and global wellposedness theory of nonlinear dispersive equations" (survey lecture) PDF.

Jiangong You, "Quasi-periodic breathers for one-dimensional nonlinear lattice Schrödinger equations with real analytic potential" PDF.

Maciej Zworski, "Quantitative analysis of normally hyperbolic trapping" PDF.