Email / Browser


Protocol Server Port Username Password Encryption
IMAP mail.math.uzh.ch 993 <email address> <IMATH Account> SSL
SMTP mail.math.uzh.ch 587 or 2525 <email address> <IMATH Account> SSL, Password
Address Book UZH ldap.connect.uzh.ch 636 UZH Full Name, ex. cn=joe doe,ou=at,ou=uzh Collaboration Password SSL

Manuals for Email Applications

Please refer to our wiki: email


In our thinlinc enviroment an array of browsers are pre installed and kept up to date. You find them all under Application > Internet. All those Browsers are also avaible for Windows and Mac OS X.

  • Firefox: Open Source browser maintained by the Mozilla Foundation
  • Chrome: Open Source brwoser maintained by Google
  • Opera: Closed Source Browser based on the same engine as Chrome
  • Vivaldi: A newer Browser that branched of Opera.