
Wikis of the Institute

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  • All wiki's are SSL encrypted.

General Wikis

Link Read Write Target
Public World wide User All institutes information. Inclusive students information.
Sekretariat Staff Staff Administrative content for the secretaries.
Institut Institute Institute All institutes information which are not for students.
IT / Gurus IT IT Technical information for IT and Gurus

Workgroup Wikis

Prof. Abgrall Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Beliakova Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Bertoin Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Cattaneo Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. De Lellis Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Furrer WorkgroupWorkgroup
Prof. Féray Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Gorodnik Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Kappeler Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Kresch Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Nikeghbali Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Rosenthal Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Sauter Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Schlein Workgroup Workgroup
Prof. Schroeder Workgroup Workgroup