
Printing at the institute

All printers of the institute are managed centrally. Before a printjob is sent to a printer, the system gets the number of pages and job settings, calculates the costs and checks the permissions and credits of the sender. Credits will only be subtracted after the printjob is finished.

Credits per Page for black and white color
members of the institute [1] free free [2]
students [3] A4: 3, 2 (Duplex)
A3: 5, 3 (Duplex)
A4: 10, 9 (Duplex)
A3: 12, 10 (Duplex)
  1. Members of the institute are: Professors, Staff, Assistants (PostDocs and PhDs), Guests.
  2. Assistants need to refill the credit (for free) after printing 100 colored pages per semester.
  3. Students with 'Hauptfach Mathematik' get a free refund of 10 SFr. per semester automatically. An I-MATH account is required for printing.

A printjob is counted based on page number, page format (A4 or A3), duplex or no duplex and color. Special settings like A3, duplex or color are only available on some special printers like g28, h52, j11, jcolor, k49, k and k49color.

Prices for all printers with different settings!

Charging Credit

Students can charge credits in Y27-K30. The credits can be used immediately.

Assistants (PostDocs and PhDs) can recharge credits for free at Y27-K30. Alternatively they can write a recharge request to support@math.uzh.ch.

For more detailed information on your print quota and your print history, visit the Printing History.

Printing at ETHZ

Further Information

For more detailed information on printing and how to setup printer for your notebook, please consult the math wiki page.