
Reference Card

CategoryProtocol / ServiceServername / URL
Homepage HTTPS www.math.uzh.ch
Email POP3 mail.math.uzh.ch
IMAP mail.math.uzh.ch
SMTP mail.math.uzh.ch
Webmail mail.math.uzh.ch
Email Clients local thunderbird, mozilla, pine, sylpheed
Repository Gitlab git.math.uzh.ch
Wikis wiki.math.uzh.ch
Documentation Documentation
Remote access Thinlinc tl.math.uzh.ch
MS Windows via Thinlinc or room H52, J11 and K49 both near printers
FTP ftp.math.uzh.ch
SSH ssh.math.uzh.ch
GIT git.math.uzh.ch
Printing Printer names Printer names are equal to the office number.
Public printers are: H52, J11, K49
Print Jobs List print jobs (jobnumber): lpstat -o
Cancel print job: cancel
Applications Ubuntu see menu in Thinlinc
USB Sticks Thinlinc Directory ~/thindrives
Windows Windows Explorer / Removeable Media

A short introduction for users

Informations about the IT systems at the institute: Terminals (Thinlinc), Windows, Printing, Scanning, FAX, eMail, Browsers, Homepage, Remote Access (ssh, Thinlinc) and more.


Thinlinc is used to access our infrastructure from outside. For more Information see Remote Access