Institute of Mathematics



Dates:  Module / Repetition

Registration for and deregistration from module exams

If you are registered for a module, you are automatically registered for the module exam. You can deregister (from the module and thus the exam) until the specified cancellation deadline. This deadline varies per module; it is announced in the course catalogue under “Organization”.

Dates of exams at the Science Faculty

Fall semester:

  • Module exams: calendar weeks 2-6 (January/February)
  • Repetition exams: typically* calendar weeks 35-37 (August/September)

Spring semester:

  • Module exams: calendar weeks 22-28 (June/July)
  • Repetition exams: typically* calendar weeks 35-37 (August/September)

The exact dates will be published on this website. Please double check if there are any changes with the rooms, shortly before the exam date.

* The repetition exams are not bound to fixed exam periods and can also take place at other times. However, they usually take place in calendar weeks 35 to 37.

Oral module exams

The dates for oral module exams are set by the person responsible for the module – within the time slots specified above. Students will be informed of the exact time of the oral module exam via e-mail no later than two weeks before the exam date. The date(s) can already be found here beforehand.

Written module exams

No invitations to written module exams will be sent out. Please inform yourself in good time about your exam dates in class, on this page and the science faculty website.

Exams and illness

If you cannot take part in a module exam for health reasons, you must deregister immediately via the student portal.
A request for deregistration including a medical certificate/doctor's note (or corresponding documents) must be submitted within 5 working days after the exam; in the student portal, choose "My applications" and then "Deregistration from performance assessment". Further information is available at
If you are unable to attend, please also inform the professor responsible for the module.

Repetition exams

You have the possibility to repeat a failed exam once. If you took the initial exam but did not pass it, you can retake it on the repetition date. Registration is necessary!
If you could not take the initial exam due to illness, or you used your option to postpone (see below), then you can also take it on the repetition date; in your case this will count as your first attempt.

  • Centrally scheduled repetition examinations (in particular the bigger compulsory modules) are organized by the Office of Student Affairs of MNF. Registration takes place via the student portal. Further information can be found on the website of the Faculty of Science.

  • All other MAT repetition exams (Some compulsory modules from the second and third year of study and elective modules) are organized directly by the Institute of Mathematics. In most cases, registration will also take place via the student portal from HS23 onwards. Please pay attention the registration/deregistration deadline in the course catalog.

    In exceptional cases, the examination will be organized outside the examination period of the repetition exam period, in which case you will be contacted by e-mail*.

    * (To your UZH e-mail address. Make sure that you check your e-mail account and the spam folder regularly).

If you do not take the exam on the repetition date, you can instead book the whole module again next time it is offered. Note that you might have to meet all requirements again (hand in exercises etc.) and that many elective modules are not offered on a regular cycle.

Core modules must be passed in order to graduate, i.e. you must either take the repetition exam or rebook the whole module. An elective module can be repeated if you want and a repetition exam is offered, or you can let it go and substitute with a different one.

Special Case: Postponement of exams from the first to the repetition date

Students at the bachelor level who started their current study program in fall 2021 or later have the option to postpone certain exams, i.e. to take their first attempt on the repetition date instead. This option exists for the following MAT modules only:

Fall semester modules

MAT 111 Linear Algebra I
MAT 121 Analysis I
MAT 141 Linear Algebra for the Sciences
MAT 182 Analysis for the Natural Sciences

Spring semester modules

MAT 112 Linear Algebra II
MAT 122 Analysis II
MAT 183 Stochastics for the Natural Sciences
MAT 184 Analysis for Chemistry

For more info and to check whether you are eligible (e.g. if you changed your study program), see the fact sheet on the Office of Student Affairs website. You can request the postponement via the MNF Student Admin tool until the end of the cancellation period indicated in the course catalogue.


For questions regarding the organisation and dates of the module and repetition exams, please contact via e-mail.
For questions regarding the content of an exam, please contact the lecturer or professor responsible for the module directly.


  • Further useful information can be found on the science faculty website
  • Our mathematics students association is also happy to help with questions about exam preparation.
  • For individuals in situations of disability or chronic illness, the Disability Office offers information and advice and helps to organise the necessary support - also for exams. It is advisable to contact them early on, even before the start of the semester.