Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
15.12.15 - 18.12.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Roman Riser, Holon, Israel (Holon Institute of Technology)
14.12.15 - 21.12.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Birte Schmidtmann, RWTH Aachen University (Aachen)
14.12.15 - 15.12.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Adrien Boussicault, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux)
Talk: Generalization of non-ambiguous trees and differential equations
13.12.15 - 19.12.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Chiesa, University of California (Berkeley)
Talk: Cycles of elliptic curves: applications and open problems
13.12.15 - 20.12.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Leyla Işık, Sabanci University (Turkey)
Talk: On Complete Maps and Value Sets of Polynomials Over Finite Fields
13.12.15 - 18.12.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Joseph Najnudel, University of Bristol (Bristol, UK)
13.12.15 - 17.12.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Pavel Mnev, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.12.15 - 11.12.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Frédérique Bassino, University of Paris-Nord (University of Paris-Nord)
09.12.15 - 09.12.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Lucas Gerin, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris)
09.12.15 - 09.12.15
Féray, Valentin
Dr. Thomas Lehéricy, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
09.12.15 - 10.12.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Adeline Pierrot, Université Paris-Sud (Paris)
09.12.15 - 09.12.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Markus Bachmayr, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn (Bonn)
Talk: Sparse Approximations for Diffusion Equations with Random Coefficients
07.12.15 - 08.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Dr. Jonathan Eckhardt, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien (Wien)
Talk: The string density problem and nonlinear wave equations
07.12.15 - 08.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Dr. Jonas Hirsch, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig, Deutschland)
07.12.15 - 08.12.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Sandra May, ETHZ (Zürich)
Talk: Numerical methods for time-dependent convection-dominated flow problems
07.12.15 - 08.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Dr. Ariel David Neufeld, ETHZ (Zürich)
Talk: Nonlinear Lévy processes and robust utility maximization
07.12.15 - 08.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Dr. Huy The Nguyen, Queensland University
07.12.15 - 10.12.15
Mondino, Andrea
Dr. Henrik Ueberschaer, Laboratoire Paul Painleve, Universite Lille 1 (Lille)
Talk: Spectral geometry of intermediate systems
07.12.15 - 08.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Prof. Dr. Francesco Bonechi, U. Florenz (Florenz, Italien)
06.12.15 - 12.12.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Dr. Dmitry Ostrovsky, Independent Researcher
Talk: On Riemann zeroes, Lognormal Multiplicative Chaos, and Selberg Integral
06.12.15 - 10.12.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Michal Kapustka, University of Stavanger (Stavanger)
03.12.15 - 03.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Dr. David Belius, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: The extrema of some log-correlated random fields
02.12.15 - 08.12.15
Schütze, Grit
Prof. Dr. Michael Loss, Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA)
Talk: [Video Seminar] The phase diagram of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities
02.12.15 - 05.12.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Alain Rouault, LMV UMR, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin (Versailles)
Talk: Sum rules via large deviations
02.12.15 - 05.12.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Hanno Becker, Universität Bonn (Bonn)
01.12.15 - 05.12.15
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Francesco Vaccarino, (Politecnico di Torino)
Talk: Higher Persistence: from Topological Data Analysis to BF theories via Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras
30.11.15 - 03.12.15
Willwacher, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Charles Vial, University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld)
Talk: On multiplicative weight decompositions
30.11.15 - 30.11.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Volker Betz, Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt)
Talk: Spatial Random Permutations
25.11.15 - 27.11.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Marcin Napiórkowski, University of Warsaw (Wasaw)
Talk: Bogoliubov Free Energy Functional
23.11.15 - 27.11.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Yann Ponty, CNRS (Palaiseau)
Talk: RNA Bioinformatics and ensemble dynamic programming
23.11.15 - 27.11.15
Bouvel, Mathilde
Prof. Dr. Laurent Thomann, Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Université de Lorraine (Nancy)
Talk: On the continuous resonant equation
19.11.15 - 20.11.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Mathieu Merle, LPMA, Université Paris 7 (Paris)
Talk: Self-organized criticality for coagulation/gelation dynamics.
18.11.15 - 19.11.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Jens Zumbrägel, Universität Passau (Passau)
Talk: On the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields of fixed characteristic
18.11.15 - 19.11.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Gourab Ray, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge (Cambridge)
Talk: Parabolic and hyperbolic unimodular random maps
10.11.15 - 12.11.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Henri Chaudouard, Université Paris 7
Talk: A support theorem for the Hitchin fibration
09.11.15 - 09.11.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Gallagher, ENS Paris (Paris)
Talk: From molecular dynamics to linear fluid equations
09.11.15 - 11.11.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Jan Nordström, Linköping University (Linköping)
09.11.15 - 13.11.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Tom Sideris, UCSB (Santa Barbara)
09.11.15 - 12.11.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Manuel Torillhon, RWTH Aachen University (Aachen)
08.11.15 - 11.11.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Luca Barbieri Viale, (Universität di Milano, Mailand)
06.11.15 - 07.11.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Simon Pepin Lehalleur, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Motives of commutative group schemes and relative 1-motives
04.11.15 - 06.11.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Veronica Guerrini, Università degli Studi di Siena (Siena)
03.11.15 - 11.11.15
Bouvel, Mathilde
Dr. Jonas Hirsch, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig, Deutschland)
02.11.15 - 03.11.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Guido Kings, Universität Regensburg (Regensburg)
Talk: Explicit reciprocity laws for Rankin-convolutions and the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
02.11.15 - 02.11.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Urs Schreiber, Czech Academy of the Sciences (Prag)
01.11.15 - 07.11.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Laurent Desvillettes, ENS Cachan (Cachan)
Talk: Speed of convergence of the solutions of the Landau equation of plasmas towards equilibrium
29.10.15 - 30.10.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Laure Dumaz, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge (Cambridge)
29.10.15 - 30.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Jacques Franchi, Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)
29.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Juillet, Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)
29.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Walter Schachermayer, Universität Wien (Wien)
29.10.15 - 30.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Woess, Technische Universität Graz (Graz)
29.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. François Ledrappier, CNRS and Sorbonne Université (Paris, France)
28.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Alexander Sodin, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London (London)
28.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Igor Wigman, King's College London (London)
28.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Nalini Anantharaman, Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)
27.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Charles Frances, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée IRMA (Strasbourg)
27.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Michele Triestino, Institut de Mathématiques, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon)
27.10.15 - 31.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Carlotto, ETH Zürich (Zürich)
26.10.15 - 31.12.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Pierre-Loic Méliot, Département de Mathématiques, Université d'Orsay (Orsay, FR)
26.10.15 - 04.11.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Joseph Najnudel, University of Bristol (Bristol, UK)
26.10.15 - 30.10.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. David Amsallem, Stanford University (Stanford)
25.10.15 - 27.10.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Dr. Joachim Krieger, EPFL (Lausanne)
Talk: Global regularity for certain critical geometric wave equations
22.10.15 - 22.10.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Andrea Pulita, Universite Grenoble 1 (Grenoble)
Talk: On recent developments in the theory of p-adic differential equations
18.10.15 - 20.10.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Elisabetta Chiodaroli, EPFL (Lausanne)
Talk: A class of large global solutions for the Wave-Map equation
15.10.15 - 16.10.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Jason Fridley, Department of Biology, Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY 13244)
15.10.15 - 17.10.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Dr. Jean-Claude Latché, CEA-IRNS
Talk: Staggered schemes for all Mach flows
14.10.15 - 15.10.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Dr. Franziska Schrodt-Williams, Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Brighton (Brighton)
14.10.15 - 18.10.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Dr. Guido De Philippis, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies   (Trieste, IT)
12.10.15 - 17.10.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Laurent Manivel, CNRS - Toulouse Mathematics Institute (Marseille)
Talk: Fano varieties of special Hodge type and hyperkaehler manifolds
11.10.15 - 13.10.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Luca Spolaor, M.I.T. (Cambridge USA)
Talk: Regularity theory for a class of 2-dimensional almost area minimizing currents
11.10.15 - 17.10.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Didier Smets, Sorbonne Université (Paris)
Talk: On the leapfrogging phenomenon in fluid mechanics
08.10.15 - 09.10.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Sergei Buyalo, Steklov Mathematical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russland)
Talk: Moebius and Sub-Moebius structures on boundaries of hyperbolic spaces
07.10.15 - 01.11.15
Schroeder, Viktor
Dr. Marco Baldi, Università Polytechnical delle Marche (Ancona)
Talk: Code-based cryptosystems with short keys
06.10.15 - 08.10.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Volker Betz, Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt)
28.09.15 - 01.10.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Yohan Brunebarbe, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Complex varieties supporting a non-trivial variation of Hodge structures
27.09.15 - 28.09.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Thomas Duquesne, Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
25.09.15 - 26.09.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Curien, Equipe Probabilités et Statistique, Université Paris-Sud Orsay (Orsay)
24.09.15 - 25.09.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Igor Kortchemski, Departement Mathematik, ETH (Zürich)
24.09.15 - 26.09.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Pascal Maillard, Département de Mathématiques, Université Paris-Sud (Orsay)
Talk: On trees invariant under edge contraction
23.09.15 - 24.09.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Thomas Peternell, Universität Bayreuth (Bayreuth)
Talk: Abundance for Kähler threefolds
21.09.15 - 21.09.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Andreas Höring, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (Nice)
Talk: Minimal models for Kähler threefolds
14.09.15 - 14.09.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Marta Herrera Cobos, Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla)
10.09.15 - 10.10.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Pedro Marin Rubio, Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla)
10.09.15 - 19.09.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Noemi Kurt, Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin)
07.09.15 - 09.09.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Alessandra Cipriani, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath (Bath)
04.09.15 - 09.09.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Gady Kozma, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel)
28.08.15 - 30.08.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Carsten Carstensen, Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Berlin)
27.08.15 - 31.08.15
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Paul Wedrich, Imperial College London (London)
24.08.15 - 28.08.15
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Jonas Hirsch, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig, Deutschland)
18.08.15 - 19.08.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Per Sundell, Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB) (Chile)
17.08.15 - 19.08.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
17.08.15 - 18.08.15
Okonek, Christian
Dr. Alexander Torres Gomez, Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB) (Santiago de Chile)
14.08.15 - 30.08.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Ivan Graham, Department of Mathematical Science, University of Bath (Bath)
Talk: On domain decomposition preconditioners for finite element approximations of the Helmholtz equation using absorption
11.08.15 - 30.09.15
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
10.08.15 - 13.08.15
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Andrew Barbour, (Australia)
05.08.15 - 11.08.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Florian Ivorra, Université de Rennes
12.07.15 - 14.07.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Goncalo Tabuada, MIT (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
10.07.15 - 14.07.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Erich Baur, Berner Fachhochschule, Technik und Informatik (Biel)
06.07.15 - 31.08.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
06.07.15 - 07.08.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Braess, Fakultät für Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Bochum, Deutschland)
29.06.15 - 03.07.15
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Boris N. Khoromskij, Max-Planck-Istitut für Mathematik (Leipzig)
29.06.15 - 03.07.15
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Mazorchuk, University of Uppsala (Uppsala)
29.06.15 - 11.07.15
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Alexander Elgart, VirginiaTech (Blacksburg)
28.06.15 - 02.07.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Matteo Focardi, Università di Firenze (Florenz)
28.06.15 - 03.07.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Rob Stevenson, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam)
28.06.15 - 02.07.15
Sauter, Stefan
Svetlana Matculevich, Universität of Jyväskylä (Jyväskyla)
26.06.15 - 03.07.15
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Sergey I. Repin, V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg (St. Peterburg)
23.06.15 - 03.07.15
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. François Bachoc, Toulouse Mathematics Institute, University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)
22.06.15 - 26.06.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Veronica Guerrini, Università degli Studi di Siena (Siena)
21.06.15 - 25.06.15
Bouvel, Mathilde
Prof. Dr. Simone Rinaldi, Università degli Studi di Siena (Siena)
21.06.15 - 25.06.15
Bouvel, Mathilde
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
10.06.15 - 16.06.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Sudhir Ghorpade, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (Mumbai)
Talk: Linear codes associated to Grassmann and related varieties
05.06.15 - 12.06.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Guido De Philippis, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies   (Trieste, IT)
03.06.15 - 14.06.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Jianxian Qiu, Xiamen University (Xiamen)
03.06.15 - 14.06.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Noha M. Abdelghany, Department of Mathematics, Cairo University (Cairo)
Talk: Codes over Group Rings
01.06.15 - 06.06.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Lopez Ramos, University of Almeria (Almeria, Spain)
Talk: Public Key Cryptography over some non-commutative structures
01.06.15 - 31.08.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Felice Manganiello, Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina)
Talk: Theory and Applications of Skew Polynomial Rings
01.06.15 - 04.06.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Mario Ricchiuto, INRIA Bordeaux (Talence)
31.05.15 - 05.06.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. William Kleiber, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado (Boulder)
28.05.15 - 31.05.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Douglas Nychka, Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences, National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder)
28.05.15 - 31.05.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Danielle Hilhorst, Université Paris-Sud (Paris)
27.05.15 - 29.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermüller, Humboldt Unitersität zu Berlin (Berlin)
27.05.15 - 29.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. David Kinderlehrer, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA USA)
27.05.15 - 31.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Sergey Mikhailov, Brunel University (London)
27.05.15 - 29.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Joachim Naumann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin)
27.05.15 - 29.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Yihong Du, University of New England (Armidale)
26.05.15 - 31.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hauer, University of Sydney (Sydney)
25.05.15 - 31.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
25.05.15 - 01.06.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Stefan Patrikis, MIT (Cambridge, MA)
Talk: Deformations of Galois representations and exceptional monodromy
24.05.15 - 28.05.15
Goldring, Wushi
Prof. Dr. Maksym Radziwill, Rutgers University (Piscataway, NJ, USA)
22.05.15 - 16.06.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Pierre-Loic Méliot, Département de Mathématiques, Université d'Orsay (Orsay, FR)
21.05.15 - 29.05.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Frédérique Bassino, University of Paris-Nord (University of Paris-Nord)
20.05.15 - 22.05.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Scott Carter, University of South Alabama (Mobile)
20.05.15 - 22.05.15
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Lucas Gerin, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris)
Talk: Distances in percolation and TASEP
20.05.15 - 22.05.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Adeline Pierrot, Université Paris-Sud (Paris)
20.05.15 - 22.05.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Carine Pivoteau, LIGM, Université Paris Est - Marne-la-Vallée (Marne-la-Vallée)
20.05.15 - 22.05.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Adrien Brochier, University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
18.05.15 - 22.05.15
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Rémi Carles, CNRS et Université Montpellier 2, Mathématiques (Montpellier)
Talk: On semiclassical limit of nonlinear quantum scattering
17.05.15 - 20.05.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Michal Kapustka, University of Stavanger (Stavanger)
Talk: EPW cubes
17.05.15 - 23.05.15
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Roberto Fernandez, Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University (Utrecht)
Talk: Stability of phase transitions under discretization
16.05.15 - 31.05.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Paulo Almeida, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
12.05.15 - 16.05.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Diego Napp, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
12.05.15 - 16.05.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Victor Turchin,
12.05.15 - 18.05.15
Willwacher, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Paolo A. Vettori, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
12.05.15 - 16.05.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Benjamin Dadoun, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.05.15 - 12.05.15
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Jean-Baptiste Teyssier, Université Sorbonne (Paris)
11.05.15 - 15.05.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Steffen Börm, Institut für Informatik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (Kiel)
Talk: Tensor multigrid
10.05.15 - 15.05.15
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Przemyslaw Chojecki, University of Oxford (Oxford)
Talk: Overconvergent modular forms and perfectoid modular curves
10.05.15 - 13.05.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Guido De Philippis, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies   (Trieste, IT)
08.05.15 - 16.05.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Konstantinas Pileckas, Vilnius University
06.05.15 - 09.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Xue-Mei Hairer, University of Warwick (Warwick)
05.05.15 - 07.05.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Jan Maas, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn (Bonn)
Talk: Entropic gradient flows in Markov chains and chemical reaction networks
05.05.15 - 07.05.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ueltschi, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick (Coventry)
05.05.15 - 07.05.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Javad Boroojeni Ebrahimi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Talk: Index coding and graph homomorphism
04.05.15 - 06.05.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Silvia Falletta, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
04.05.15 - 08.05.15
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Neringa Kloviene, Vilnius University (Vilnius)
04.05.15 - 08.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Leena Pasanen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Oulu (Oulu)
Talk: Bayesian Scale space for images, time series and correlation analysis
04.05.15 - 08.05.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Dr. Helge Ruddat, Johannes Gutenberg Universität (Mainz)
Talk: A proof of Morrison's Conjecture
04.05.15 - 04.05.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Joseph Najnudel, University of Bristol (Bristol, UK)
03.05.15 - 10.05.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Adriano Pisante, Università di Roma, La Sapienza (Rom)
02.05.15 - 13.06.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Josef Bemelmans, RWTH Aachen (Aachen)
Talk: Archimedes - Geometer from ancient times or Fellow of another college?
30.04.15 - 01.05.15
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Brian Krummel, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK)
Talk: Fine structure and higher regularity of the branch sets
28.04.15 - 02.05.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Athanase Papadopoulos, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)
Talk: On the arc metric on Teichmüller space
28.04.15 - 30.04.15
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Anatoly Neishtadt, Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University (Leicestershire)
23.04.15 - 25.04.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Philip Protter, Statistics Department, Columbia University (New York)
22.04.15 - 25.04.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Simone Warzel, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU München (Garching)
Talk: Resonant delocalization
21.04.15 - 22.04.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Svetlana Matculevich, Universität of Jyväskylä (Jyväskyla)
20.04.15 - 23.04.15
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Martin Fraas, LMU , Math Department in Munich (München)
15.04.15 - 16.04.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Emmanuel Jacob, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS (Lyon)
Talk: Spatial Preferential Attachment Networks
14.04.15 - 16.04.15
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
14.04.15 - 18.04.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Jacques Tilouine, Universite Paris 13 (Paris)
Talk: Big image of Galois representations associated to p-adic families of modular forms with positive slope
13.04.15 - 14.04.15
Goldring, Wushi
Prof. Dr. Carsten Carstensen, Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Berlin)
05.04.15 - 08.04.15
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Gaëtan Borot, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn)
Talk: Asymptotics in 1d Coulomb gases and applications
30.03.15 - 01.04.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Omid Amini, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
Talk: Equidistribution of Weierstrass points on curves over non-Archimedean fields
29.03.15 - 31.03.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Radu Ignat, Université Paul Sabatier, de Toulouse (Toulouse)
Talk: Kinetic formulation for vortex vector fields
23.03.15 - 27.03.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Philippe Nadeau, CNRS, Université Lyon 1 (Lyon)
Talk: Reduced words of Coxeter groups
23.03.15 - 25.03.15
Féray, Valentin
Prof. Dr. Olivier Wittenberg, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
Talk: On the fibration method for zero-cycles and rational points
22.03.15 - 24.03.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
Talk: Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials - A State of the Art
21.03.15 - 24.03.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Walter Alt, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Jena)
Talk: Perturbation, Discretization and Regularization of Linear-Quadratic Control Problems with Bang-Bang Solution
19.03.15 - 22.03.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Alexander Sodin, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London (London)
Talk: Wegner estimates for deformed Gaussian ensembles
18.03.15 - 22.03.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Julien Sabin, (Paris Sud)
Talk: Optimal trace ideals properties of the Fourier restriction operator and applications
17.03.15 - 20.03.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Paul Wedrich, Imperial College London (London)
17.03.15 - 20.03.15
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier, TU Darmstadt (Darmstadt)
Talk: Kudla's modularity conjecture and formal Fourier-Jacobi series
16.03.15 - 17.03.15
Ayoub, Joseph
Karoline Köhler, Departement für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Berlin)
Talk: Non-conforming FEM for the obstacle problem
16.03.15 - 20.03.15
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Reza Pakzad, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Mathematics (Pittsburgh, USA)
Talk: Rigidity and flexibility for the Monge-Ampère equation
14.03.15 - 20.03.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Douglas Nychka, Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences, National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder)
13.03.15 - 15.03.15
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Cristinel Mardare, Sorbonne Université (Paris)
Talk: On a lemma of J.L. Lions and its relation to other fundamental results
12.03.15 - 14.03.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Jean-François Delmas, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, CERMICS (Marne-la-Vallée)
Talk: On the genealogical tree of a stationary (quadratic) branching process
11.03.15 - 12.03.15
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Saikat Chatterjee, The Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) (Bures-sur-Yvette)
10.03.15 - 14.03.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Philippe G. Ciarlet, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Direct computation of the stresses in elasticity
10.03.15 - 17.03.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Sumio Yamada, Department of Mathematics, Gakushuin University (Toshima, Tokyo)
Talk: Convex geometry on Teichmueller space
10.03.15 - 12.03.15
Schroeder, Viktor
Dr. Pieter Jan Bruin, Universiteit Leiden (Leiden, Netherlands)
09.03.15 - 12.03.15
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Gueorgui Popov, Département de Mathématiques, Université de Nantes (Nantes)
Talk: Asymptotic quantization with an exponentially small error
09.03.15 - 14.03.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Campana, Université de Lorraine (Nancy)
Talk: Generic semi-positivity of the orbifold cotangent bundle. Applications to moduli and foliations
08.03.15 - 10.03.15
Ayoub, Joseph
David Prigge, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
07.03.15 - 04.04.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Mathieu Hillairet, Université de Montpellier (Montpellier)
Talk: Motion of rigid bodies inside a viscous fluid
05.03.15 - 06.03.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Gubinelli, University of Oxford (Oxford)
Talk: Singular Stochastic PDEs and paracontrolled distributions
04.03.15 - 05.03.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Christian Hainzl, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Tübingen)
03.03.15 - 05.03.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Arnaud Beauville, Université de Nice (Nice)
Talk: The stable Lüroth problem
02.03.15 - 02.03.15
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Tim Güneysu, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Bochum)
Talk: Implementing Code-Based Cryptography on Embedded Systems
01.03.15 - 02.03.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Florian Schätz, Aarhus Universitet (Utrecht)
01.03.15 - 08.03.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Dr. Davide Vittone, University of Padova, Department of Mathematics (Padova)
01.03.15 - 28.02.17
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Anton Khoroshkin, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (Moscow)
26.02.15 - 28.02.15
Willwacher, Thomas
Pietro Baldi, Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni "R. Caccioppoli", Università di Napoli Federico II (Napoli)
Talk: Standing gravity capillary water waves
25.02.15 - 27.02.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Louigi Addario-Berry, The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MCGill University (Montreal)
Talk: Theta(t^{1/3}) slowdown for branching Brownian motion with decay of mass
24.02.15 - 26.02.15
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Tomoyuki Nakatsuka, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: On uniqueness of symmetric Navier-Stokes flows around a body in the plane
24.02.15 - 27.02.15
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
24.02.15 - 25.02.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Alessandra Cipriani, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath (Bath)
23.02.15 - 25.02.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Pierre-Loic Méliot, Département de Mathématiques, Université d'Orsay (Orsay, FR)
Talk: Random geometric graphs on compact symmetric spaces of rank one
23.02.15 - 03.03.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Benoît Stroh, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
23.02.15 - 27.02.15
Goldring, Wushi
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
Talk: A wall crossing formula for degrees of real central projections (joint with Ch. Okonek)
23.02.15 - 27.02.15
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ueltschi, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick (Coventry)
23.02.15 - 25.02.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Bobby Wilson, University of Chicago (Chicago)
23.02.15 - 04.04.15
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Iakovos Androulidakis,
22.02.15 - 01.03.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Afeintou Sangam, University of Nice (Nice)
22.02.15 - 01.03.15
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Tomas Caraballo, Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla)
Talk: Pullback attractors for random and non-autonomous dynamical systems: an introduction with applications
18.02.15 - 20.02.15
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Mario Pulvirenti, University La Sapienza (Roma)
Talk: Scaling limits and effective equations for large particle systems
18.02.15 - 21.02.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Yaël Frégier, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
16.02.15 - 20.02.15
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Joseph Najnudel, University of Bristol (Bristol, UK)
15.02.15 - 18.02.15
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Renato Lucá, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid)
09.02.15 - 13.02.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Daniele Valeri, SISSA-ISAS (Trieste)
09.02.15 - 11.02.15
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Igor Kortchemski, Departement Mathematik, ETH (Zürich)
04.02.15 - 06.02.15
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Ioannis Platis, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Crete (Heraklion Crete)
31.01.15 - 14.02.15
Schroeder, Viktor
Dr. Guido De Philippis, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies   (Trieste, IT)
25.01.15 - 29.01.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Martin Schanz, Institut für Baumechanik, TU Graz (Graz)
Talk: Multi field problems in poroelasticity: Governing equations and boundary element solutions
18.01.15 - 22.02.15
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Emanuele Spadaro, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig (Leipzig)
18.01.15 - 21.01.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Erich Baur, Berner Fachhochschule, Technik und Informatik (Biel)
01.01.15 - 09.02.15
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Horlemann,
Talk: Minimal Bases of Linearized Polynomial Modules and Gabidulin Decoding
09.12.14 - 20.01.15
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alessio Figalli, ETH Zürich (Zurich)
Talk: Recent applications of the DiPerna-Lions theory to PDEs
Talk: [Video Seminar] Recent applications of the DiPerna-Lions theory to PDEs
23.09.14 - 31.01.15
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Yibing Chen, IAPCM (Beijing)
01.09.14 - 28.02.15
Abgrall, Rémi