Institute of Mathematics

Lecture courses/details

Spring 18
Seminar: Limit theorem in probability theory
Fr 10.15 - 12.00 Room: Y27H46 Seats: 40

Overview talks are given by the organisers. The others are given by students.

19.09.2014: Overview and distribution of talks
26.09.2014: Overview II. The moments method and the Lindeberg swapping trick.
03.10.2014: CLT1: (Speaker: Corinna)
10.10.2014: CLT2: Berry-Esseen bounds and rates of convergence (Speaker: Giulia)
17.10.2014: Extremal value theory (Speaker: Jonas)
24.10.2014: CLT3: Stable laws (Speaker: Nicolas)
31.10.2014: Law of the iterated logarithm (Speaker: Rashid)
07.11.2014: CLT4: Stein's method (Speaker: Nicolas/Jonas)
14.11.2014: Local limit theorems (Speaker: Lauro-Rashid)
21.11.2014: Large deviations: Cramer and Bahadur-Rao (Speaker: Lauro)
28.11.2014: Wigner's semi-circular law in random matrices (Speaker:Corinna/Giulia)
05.12.2014: Erdös-Kac (Speaker:Ravi)
12.12.2014: No class. For further information please contact: , , , , , 

Module: MAT986 Seminar: Limit theorem in probability theory