Institute of Mathematics


Modul:   MAT591  Discrete mathematics

Coefficients of a chromatic invariant in random graphs

Talk by Dr. Raúl Queiroz do Vale de Noronha Pen (Penaguião)

Date: 18.10.16  Time: 11.15 - 12.00  Room: Y27H28

The chromatic symmetric function of a graph is a chromatic invariant that generalizes the chromatic polynomial and takes values in the ring of symmetric functions. This invariant has a lot of interesting open problems.
Amoung other questions, it is still not known whether this invariant classifies trees, a conjecture due to Richard Stanley, and we will see have a glimpse on how to tackle the classification problem for smaller subfamilies of trees.
This chromatic invariant has strong relations to natural problems in the random graphs literature, and we can use some bounds in the thresholds for the existence of big matchings to get to know a little bit better the chromatic symmetric function of G(n, p).