For freshmen

For Freshmen

A degree course (Bachelors/Masters) consists of a number of modules (a module may for example be a course of lectures with exercises). Upon successful completion of a module, one obtains the corresponding credit points. The modules are examined shortly after they have been taken; in contrast to the old regulations, there are now no preliminary examinations. In the Wegleitung zum Mathematikstudium comprehensive information about the new degree courses can be found; we recommend that you read it carefully!

Study guide in mathematics

The study guide for the mathematics program gives comprehensive information about the Bachelors and Masters courses.

It can also be obtained in printed form from the academic advisors and from the departmental office.

Annotated lecture list

The annotated lecture list contains important information about the individual modules. In particular, the conditions for obtaining the credit points are to be found here.


The Studienordnung of the faculty of Science contains the regulations governing the new Bachelors and Masters courses.

Modules and examinations

You must register for all modules that you want to follow at the beginning of the semester.

Important: Registration for a module is also registration for its examinations. If you don't want to take the exam, for example because you don't actually take the module, you must de-register from the module before mid-semester. If one does not de-register, and does not appear for the exam, then the module will be considered as having been failed.