Institute of Mathematics


Servan Grüninger

Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 635 58 23
Fax: +41 44 635 57 06
Office: Y27G25
Personal Website:
Once I was an avid tamer of fruit flies and the merciless bane of infectious worms. Then I realised that statistical subtleties are much more to my liking.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in biology with minors in neuroinformatics, law, and political sciences as well as a Master’s degree in biostatistics from the University of Zurich. Recently, I finished a second Master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering at EPFL Lausanne.

My current work at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zurich focuses on reproducibility and good statistical practice in animal research. For more information, please visit my personal website.
Fall 23 Fall 24