Institute of Mathematics


Symposium about Pure Mathematics


Grit Schütze
Wednesday, 07.12.16
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
08:00-10:00Javier Fresan
(ETHZ - Gr. 4)
Gamma values: regular and irregularY27H46
10:00-12:00Marco Golla
(Uppsala University)
Knot theory and deformations of singularities of complex curvesY27H46
13:00-15:00Yohan Brunebarbe
(Universität Zürich)
Hyperbolicity properties of smooth complex algebraic varieties whose fundamental group is infiniteY27H46
15:00-17:00Claudia Scheimbauer
(Max Planck Institut für Mathematik)
Algebraic structures in topological field theoriesY27H46