Institute of Mathematics


Symposium about Mathematics


Monday, 08.12.14
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:00Laure Dumaz
(Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
Near critical random geometryY27H28
10:30Alexey Bufetov
(Institute for Applied Mathematics, Universität Bonn)
Asymptotics of representations of classical Lie groupsY27H28
15:00Nuno Freitas
(Max Planck Institute for Mathematics )
The Generalized Fermat Equation via the modular methodY27H28
16:30Tao Xiong
(University of Houston)
High order asymptotic preserving nodal discontinuous Galerkin IMEX schemes for the BGK equationY27H28
Tuesday, 09.12.14
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:00Florian Schätz
(Aarhus Universitet)
Flat superconnections and the loop spaceY27H28
10:30Petr Dunin-Barkovskiy
(University of Amsterdam)
Gromov-Witten theory and spectral curve topological recursionY27H28
13:30Jonathan Eckhardt
(Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien)
The string density problem and nonlinear wave equationsY27H28