Institute of Mathematics


Conference on "Applied and Numerical Analysis" in honour of Professor Michel Chipot


Organized by:  Institute of Mathematics

Thursday, 30.09.10
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:30Stefan Sauter
(Universität Zürich)
Opening address by Professor Stefan Sauter, Director of the InstituteY21F65
09:40-10:30Philippe G. Ciarlet
(Universität Zürich)
Korn's inequalities: Some recent advancesY21F65
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:50Arnaud Rougirel
(Université Poitiers)
On the Phase Field Crystal EquationY21F65
13:30-14:20Giuseppe Buttazzo
(Università di Pisa)
On some problems in spectral optimizationY15G19
14:30-15:20Irene Fonseca
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Variational Methods in Materials Science and Image ProcessingY15G19
15:20-15:50Coffee break
15:50-16:40Nobuyuki Kenmochi
(Bukkyo University)
The future of "Nonlinear Analysis" and its new directionY15G19