Angewandte Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik


How many semesters do the small (30 ECTS) and large (60 ECTS) AWS minors take to complete?

Since the required modules are based on one another, completing the minor program takes four semesters. It is recommended to start the minor program in the 3rd semester of studies.

Is attendance of lectures and exercise classes mandatory?

No, but it is strongly recommended. The hand in of exercises with testat is often required. See also here for more detailed answers.

What does the minor program offer in addition to foundational statistics modules of a major program?

A broad approach to probability and statistics, in depth theory, methodology, use of statistical programming language R and further applications.

Is it possible to teach mathematics in high school with a minor in applied probability and statistics?

No, it is not possible.

Can I apply to the minor program as a student from another university?

It is up to the university offering the major study program if it approves the minor.