Applied Statistics

Shiny Apps


SampleSizeR is a highly interactive shiny app to calculate sample size based on power analysis for confirmatory experimental designs. The aim of the online resource is to help scientists to better plan their experiments. The default values and settings are tailored to experiments in animal or preclinical research.


We have developed a shiny app based on the R package eggCounts, which assesses anthelmintic efficacy using Bayesian hierarchical models for faecal egg count data. We have implemented a new Bayesian inference approach through Stan MCMC sampling scheme.

Shiny web interface (in a new tab) or simple embedded Web interface of eggCounts.

Scientifica 2023

The shiny app  Was die Welt zusammenhält  has been written and used for the outreach event Scientifica to showcase various aspects of statistics at the UZH.

Scientifica 2019

The shiny app  More Facts, Less Fiction  has been written and used for the outreach event Scientifica to showcase various aspects of statistics at the UZH.

Scientifica 2017

The shiny app  DATENLABOR  has been written and used for the outreach event Scientifica to showcase various aspects of statistics at the UZH.

Statistik App

The shiny app  Statistik App  has been written and used for continuing education workshops of 'GymnasiallehrerInnen.