Text of the exam
Solution of the exam
The date on the exercise sheet is the date at which the solutions should be handed in.
Exercise sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, 8.15 am - 10 am.
Wednesday: room Y27-H-28, assistant Raul Penaguiao, mailbox in J floor
Thursday: room Y22F62, assistant Jacopo Borga, mailbox in G floor
Solutions to the exercises should be handed in by e-mail or in the assistant mailbox each week
before Tuesday 10.30am, thank you!
Getting half the points over all exercise sheets is a requirement for participation to the exam.
Modul: 25.01.2018 9:00-12:00, Raum: Y27H12 Plätze: 50, Typ: schriftlich
Repetition: 06.09.2018 9:00-17:00, Raum: Y27H26 Plätze: 14, Typ: mündlich