Note: adjusted lecture times:
Mondays 10.10-10.55 and 11.05-11.50
Fridays 8.15 - 9.00 and 9.10-9.55
VVZ Link
Some content is protected. Please go to: MY > Lecture > MAT702 / Übungen Elements of Geometry
New problem sets will be posted here every Friday afternoon (starting from February 23) and due the following Friday.
Solutions 10
Lecture Material: (protected)
Handwritten notes (only for reference) will be uploaded reguarly.
Skript: will be typed and uploaded as availbe.
Both will be visible only to registered students (log in to My).
Spreadsheet showing which exercises were covered in which class
20. Proofs of Gauss-Bonnet and Poincare-Hopf theorems
19. Index of a singular point and Poincare-Hopft theorem
18. Gauss-Bonnet theorem
17. Geodesics defs equivalence and parallel transport
16. Geodesics via curvature and geodesics equations
15. Other hyperbolic models and Fuchsian groups
14.b) Isometries and geodesics in constant curvature spaces: hyperbolic
14.a) Isometries and geodesics in constant curvature spaces: Euclidean and spherical
12 Riemannian distance
-Do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Dover
-Pressley, Elementary Differential Geometry, Springer
-Anderson, Hyperbolic Geometry, Springer
Other Material:
For information about Handwritten notes, Skript and Recordings, see the 'Download' and the 'Lectures' Tab.
Modul: 27.06.2023 9:00-12:00, Raum: Y24G45 Plätze: 446, Typ: schriftlichRepetition: 05.09.2023 9:00-17:00, Raum: Y27H26 Plätze: 14, Typ: mündlich
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