10:15 - 12:00
Exercises Analysis III Gr 2
Tutor: Andrea Ulliana
13:00 - 14:45
Exercises Analysis III Gr 3
Tutor: Sarah Lanzenberger
15:00 - 17:00
Exercises Analysis III Gr 1
Tutor: Noam Szyfer
Online Exercise submission
Tutorials recordings:
Recordings of one of the tutorials (in English) via SeminarLive will be posted here above, with the same warning then lecture recordings: live participation is strongly encouraged! This is even more true for tutorials, which are meant to provide an interactive and personalized experience.
Homeworks submission:
The exercise sheets will be uploaded to this page on Fridays. Students should submit their solutions on My one week later (deadline to be discussed in class). While you can (and are encouraged) to discuss and work together on the sheets, the solutions should be written down independently. Solving the exercise sheets is mandatory in order to be admitted to the exam (see information on the Testat under the Details tab).
Testat Requirement:
Prerequisite for participation in the exam is successful participation in the exercises, i.e. you must achieve at least 50% of the possible points for completed exercises. See more details on the Exam Tab.
- Skripts for the course can be downloaded under the Downloads Tab.
- Handwritten notes (informative value only) will be uploaded in a folder accessible to registered students.
- Centralized recordings of the lectures (if no technical issues arise) will be available for registered students on OLAT (live participation to lectures is strongly encouraged).
- Textbooks recommended for additional readings are listed here:
- O. Forster: Analysis 3, Vieweg Verlag, Deutsch
- E. Stein, R. Shakarchi. Real Analysis: Measure, Integration, and Hilbert spaces, Princeton, English (pdf)
- T. Tao, Introduction to measure theory, AMS, English (pdf)
- H. Royden, P. Fitzpatrick, Real Analysis, Prentice Hall, English (pdf)
- K. Amman, J. Escher: Analysis III, Birkhauser, Deutsch
- D. Cohen, Measure Theory, Birkhauser, Deutsch
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte: Prof. Dr. Corinna Ulcigrai
Modul: 27.01.2025 9:00-12:00, Raum: Y15G60 Plätze: 284, Typ: schriftlich
Repetition: 08.09.2025 14:00-17:00, Prüfungstermin vorläufig, Raum: n.n. Plätze: ?, Typ: n.n.
Note: The date of the exam is not yet decided (it is set by the central Exam office of our Institute, not by professors). It will be posted here once it has been finalized.
The lecture will be accompanied by weekly exercise sheets. Solving the exercise sheets is extremely important for understanding the lecture material. Model handwritten solutions to selected exercises will be provided and posted online (under the Homework Tab). Solutions to additional questions will be discussed during the weekly tutorial classes led by the assistants.
Testat Requirement
In order to take the exam, a minimum number of points must be achieved in the homeowks, a requirement known as testat. There will be 13 Homework sheets, each containing 5 exercises (posted weekly on this page, under the Homework Tab).
Hand-in Exercises: While all exercises are relevant exam preparation, you are required to hand it only 3 exercises (those which are marked with H for 'Hand in' on the sheet). These 3 exercises will be marked by the assistants and model soutions for them will be provided. The other exercises will be not be marked, but discussed during tutorials.
Points awareded and jokers: The 3 exercises marked can give you up to 10 points that count towards the testat. In order to be allowed to take the exam, a total of 50% of the maximum number of points must be achieved at the end of the semester. Each student has two “jokers”, i.e. two exercise sheet that can be omitted from the calculation, for example due to illness or absence.
Testat threshold: The minimum score for the test is therefore (11*10)/2 = 55 points, whereby only the points of the 11 (out of 13) homeworks with the highest score are counted.