Graph-based machine learning approaches for model order reduction
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Federico Pichi
Datum: 11.12.24 Zeit: 16.30 - 18.00 Raum: ETH HG G 19.2
The development of efficient reduced order models (ROMs) from a deep learning perspective enables users to overcome the limitations of traditional approaches [1, 2]. One drawback of the techniques based on convolutional autoencoders is the lack of geometrical information when dealing with complex domains defined on unstructured meshes. The present work proposes a framework for nonlinear model order reduction based on Graph Convolutional Autoencoders (GCA) to exploit emergent patterns in different physical problems, including those showing bifurcating behavior, high-dimensional parameter space, slow Kolmogorov-decay, and varying domains [3]. Our methodology extracts the latent space’s evolution while introducing geometric priors, possibly alleviating the learning process through up- and down-sampling operations. Among the advantages, we highlight the high generalizability in the low-data regime and the great speedup. Moreover, we will present a novel graph feedforward network (GFN), extending the GCA approach to exploit multifidelity data, leveraging graph-adaptive weights, enabling large savings, and providing computable error bounds for the predictions [4]. This way, we overcome the limitations of the up- and down-sampling procedures by building a resolution-invariant GFN-ROM strategy capable of training and testing on different mesh sizes, resulting in a more lightweight and flexible architecture. References [1] Lee, K. and Carlberg, K.T. (2020) ‘Model reduction of dynamical systems on nonlinear manifolds using deep convolutional autoencoders’, Journal of Computational Physics, 404, p. 108973. Available at: [2] Fresca, S., Dede’, L. and Manzoni, A. (2021) ‘A Comprehensive Deep Learning-Based Approach to Reduced Order Modeling of Nonlinear Time-Dependent Parametrized PDEs’, Journal of Scientific Computing, 87(2), p. 61. Available at: [3] Pichi, F., Moya, B. and Hesthaven, J.S. (2024) ‘A graph convolutional autoencoder approach to model order reduction for parametrized PDEs’, Journal of Computational Physics, 501, p. 112762. Available at: [4] Morrison, O.M., Pichi, F. and Hesthaven, J.S. (2024) ‘GFN: A graph feedforward network for resolution-invariant reduced operator learning in multifidelity applications’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 432, p. 117458. Available at: