How to preserve a divergence or a curl constraint in a hyperbolic system with the discontinuous Galerkin method
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Vincent Perrier
Sprecher eingeladen von: Prof. Dr. Rémi Abgrall
Datum: 17.04.24 Zeit: 16.00 - 17.00 Raum: ETH HG E 1.2
Some hyperbolic systems are known to include implicit preservation of differential constraints: these are for example the time conservation of the vorticity for the first order wave system or divergence preservation for the Maxwell system or the induction equation. In this talk, I will address this problem with the classical discontinuous Galerkin method. Based on discrete de-Rham ideas, I will show that by considering an adapted approximation space (but still discontinuous) for vectors , divergence or curl can be easily preserved under mild assumption on the numerical flux