Die Preprint Serie wurde 2015 eingestellt.
Preprint Serie des Jahres 2006
W. Hackbusch, W. Kress, S. Sauter
Sparse Convolution Quadrature for Time Domain Boundary Integral Formulations of the Wave Equation by Cutoff and Panel-Clustering
Sparse Convolution Quadrature for Time Domain Boundary Integral Formulations of the Wave Equation by Cutoff and Panel-Clustering
H. Zorgati
A Gamma-convergence result for thin curved films bonded to a fixed substrate with a noninterpenetration constraint
A Gamma-convergence result for thin curved films bonded to a fixed substrate with a noninterpenetration constraint
L. Banjai, S. Sauter
A refined Galerkin error and stability analysis for highly indefinite variational problems
A refined Galerkin error and stability analysis for highly indefinite variational problems
C. De Lellis
Notes on hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and transport equations Updated version
Notes on hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and transport equations Updated version
A. S. Cattaneo, D. Fiorenza, R. Longoni
On the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg Map for Graded Manifolds
On the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg Map for Graded Manifolds
A. S. Cattaneo
From Topological Field Theory to Deformation Quantization and Reduction
From Topological Field Theory to Deformation Quantization and Reduction
C. De Lellis, L. Székelyhidi Jr.
Simple proof of two-well rigidity Updated version
Simple proof of two-well rigidity Updated version
A. S. Cattaneo, G. Felder
Relative formality theorem and quantisation of coisotropic submanifolds
Relative formality theorem and quantisation of coisotropic submanifolds
C. De Lellis
A Note on Albert's Rank-One Theorem Updated version
A Note on Albert's Rank-One Theorem Updated version
F. Perroni
Orbifold Cohomology of ADE-singularities
Orbifold Cohomology of ADE-singularities
S. I. Repin, S. Sauter
Functional A Posteriori Estimates for theReaction-Diffusion Problem
Functional A Posteriori Estimates for theReaction-Diffusion Problem
G. Crippa, C. De Lellis
Estimates and Regularity Results for the Diperna-Lions Flow Updated version
Estimates and Regularity Results for the Diperna-Lions Flow Updated version
G. Crippa, F. Otto, M. Westdickenberg
Regularizing effect of nonlinearity in multidimensional scalar conservation laws
Regularizing effect of nonlinearity in multidimensional scalar conservation laws
L. Ambrosio, G. Crippa
Existence, uniqueness, stability and differentiability properties of the flow associated to weakly differentiable vector fields
Existence, uniqueness, stability and differentiability properties of the flow associated to weakly differentiable vector fields
F. Bouchut, G. Crippa
Uniqueness, Renormalization and Smooth Approximations for Linear Transport Equations
Uniqueness, Renormalization and Smooth Approximations for Linear Transport Equations
M. Brodmann, S. Kurmann, F. Rohrer
An Avoidance Principle with anApplication to the Asymptotic Behaviour of Graded Local Cohomology
An Avoidance Principle with anApplication to the Asymptotic Behaviour of Graded Local Cohomology
W. Kress, S. Sauter
Numerical treatment of Retarded BoundaryIntegral Equations by Sparse Panel Clustering
Numerical treatment of Retarded BoundaryIntegral Equations by Sparse Panel Clustering
A. S. Cattaneo, C. Torossian
Quantification pour les paires symétriques et diagrammes de Kontsevich
Quantification pour les paires symétriques et diagrammes de Kontsevich
I. Androulidakis
Crossed Modules and the Integrability of Lie Brackets
Crossed Modules and the Integrability of Lie Brackets
M. Brodmann, L. T. Nhan
A Finiteness Result for Associated Primes of certain Ext-Modules
A Finiteness Result for Associated Primes of certain Ext-Modules
S. Boissière, E. Mann, F. Perroni
On the Cohomological Crepant Resolution Conjecture for Weighted Projective Spaces
On the Cohomological Crepant Resolution Conjecture for Weighted Projective Spaces
M. Zambon, C. Zhu
On the Geometry of Prequantization Spaces
On the Geometry of Prequantization Spaces
C. De Lellis
Lecture notes on rectifiable sets, densities, and tangent measures Updated version
Lecture notes on rectifiable sets, densities, and tangent measures Updated version
I. Androulidakis, G. Skandalis
The holonomy groupoid of a singular foliation
The holonomy groupoid of a singular foliation
I. G. Graham, L. Grasedyck, W. Hackbusch, S. Sauter
Optimal Panel-Clustering in the Presence of Anisotropic Mesh Refinement
Optimal Panel-Clustering in the Presence of Anisotropic Mesh Refinement
A. S. Cattaneo, M. Zambon
Pre-Poisson submanifolds
Pre-Poisson submanifolds
R. Arratia, A. Barbour, S. Tavaré
A tale of three couplings: Poisson-Dirichlet and GEM approximations for random permutations
A tale of three couplings: Poisson-Dirichlet and GEM approximations for random permutations
A. Barbour, A. Xia
Normal approximation for random sums
Normal approximation for random sums
A. Barbour, A. Gnedin
Regenerative Compositions in the Case of Slow Variation
Regenerative Compositions in the Case of Slow Variation
A. Barbour, A. Xia
On Stein's factors for Poisson approximation in Wasserstein distance
On Stein's factors for Poisson approximation in Wasserstein distance
A. Barbour, T. Lindvall
Translated Poisson approximation for Markov chains
Translated Poisson approximation for Markov chains