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Alexandre Bovet is an Assistant Professor in Quantitative Network Science at the Department of Mathematics and the Digital Society Initiative.
He studied and received his PhD in Physics in 2015 at EPFL. He held postdoctoral positions at ETH Zurich, the City College of New York, the Université catholique de Louvain and the University of Oxford.
He was awarded the SNSF Early and Advanced Postdoc Mobility Fellowships and the FNRS Senior Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowship.
Alexandre is a member of the Swiss Young Academy and the steering committee of the Winter Workshop on Complex Systems. He is an associate editor for Frontiers in Complex Systems, academic editor for Plos ONE and an associate editor for Humanities and Social Sciences Communications and for Frontiers in Complex Systems.
He is aprogram committee member of the Conference on Complex Systems, the Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) and the ACM Web Conference (WWW).



Our group is interested in complex systems and their modeling using complex networks. We work on interdisciplinary approaches and the development of new mathematical tools to answer social, biological and economic questions.

In particular, we are interested in the following topics:

  • Social media and their impact on society: disinformation, social dynamics, media, democracy.
  • Network science: dynamic community detection, dynamics-based methods for temporal networks.

Lectures & Seminars

Student seminars
Seminar in Data Science and Mathematical Modelling
Alexandre Bovet, Delia Marina Coculescu, Reinhard Furrer, Ashkan Nikeghbali

Statistics for Mathematicians

Exercises Statistics for Mathematicians

Statistics for Mathematicians


Prof. Dr. Anikó Hannák, Department of Informatics, UZH (Zürich)
09.09.24 - 13.09.24Bovet, Alexandre
Prof. Dr. Leto Peel, Department of Data Analytics and Digitalisation, Maastricht University (Maastricht)
08.09.24 - 12.09.24Bovet, Alexandre
Prof. Dr. Matteo Cinelli, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)
Talk: Echo Chambers and Polarization in Online Social Media
19.03.24 - 26.03.24Bovet, Alexandre