Covariance Functions
Evaluate a covariance function.
covmat(h, theta, ... , type="sph")
cov.exp(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.sph(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.nug(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.wend1(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.wend2(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.wu1(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.wu2(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.wu3(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.mat(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.finnmat(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.mat12(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.mat32(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cov.mat52(h, theta, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
cor.sph(h, range, ... , eps= getOption("spam.eps"))
is a wrapper that calls the other functions
according to the argument type
. The nomenclature is similar to
The parametrization is (range, [partial-sill = 1], [smoothness = 1], [nugget = 0]), where
only the range needs to be specified.
In case of negative parameter values, a warning is issued and the
absolute value is retained.
Although more cryptic, having all arguments as a single vector
simplifies optimization with optim
The parameters are and locations are up to precision epsilon
That means that all distances smaller than eps
are considered zero; a nugget smaller than eps
is ignored; a range smaller than eps
represents a nugget model; etc.
is similar to cov.mat()
but with the
argument in the Bessel function
(instead of 1/range
is a wrapper to cov.exp()
, and cov.mat52()
are fast version of
with smoothness 3/2 and 5/2, respectively (factor 10).
is a fast version of cov.sph(,c(range,1,0))
Currently, the functions distinguish between a sparse spam
object h
and any other numeric type. In the future, this might
change and appropriate methods will be implemented.
n <- 200
locs <- cbind(runif(n),runif(n))
h <- nearest.dist(locs, delta=sqrt(2), upper = NULL)
Sigma <- cov.sph(h, c(.3, 1, .1))
iidsample <- rnorm(n)
cholS <- chol.spam(as.spam(Sigma))
iorder <- iord <- ordering(cholS, inv = TRUE)
sample <- (iidsample %*% as.spam(cholS))[iorder]
plot(locs, col = fields::tim.colors(n = 256)[cut(sample, n)], pch = 20)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
h <- seq(0, to=1, length.out=100)
plot( h, cov.exp(h, c(1/3,1)), type='l', ylim=c(0,1))
type <- c("sph","wendland1","wendland2","wu1","wu2","wu3")
for (i in 1:6)
lines( h, covmat(h, 1, type=type[i]), col=i+1)
legend('topright',legend=type, col=2:7, lty=1)
} # }