Method for printing the summary of mcmcabn objects.

# S3 method for summary.mcmcabn
print(x, ...)



an object of class summary.mcmcabn.


additional arguments passed to print.


There exists a summary S3 function that displays more details.


Gilles Kratzer


## Example from the asia dataset from Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter (1988)
## provided by Scutari (2010)

#> MCMC summary:
#> Number of burn-in steps: 1000
#> Number of MCMC steps: 1e+05
#> Thinning: 99
#> Maximum score: -11151.13
#> Empirical mean: -11164.74
#> Empirical standard deviation: 7.407195
#> Quantiles of the posterior network score:
#>              0.025      0.25       0.5      0.75    0.975
#> BN score -11188.58 -11168.16 -11163.84 -11159.79 -11154.2
#> Global acceptance rate: 0.2047952
#>     Accepted Rejected
#> MBR        9       24
#> MC3      186      752
#> REV       10       20
#> Sample size adjusted for autocorrelation: 51.58366
#> Autocorrelations by lag:
#>     0         1         2         3        4         5         6         7
#> acf 1 0.5684532 0.5619595 0.5225394 0.478408 0.4586218 0.4566739 0.4189232
#>             8         9        10
#> acf 0.4024697 0.3702477 0.3348253