Abstract Submission



Abstract must be submitted as .pdf file and as editable source file, using either this LaTeX template or this MS Word template.

Single page limit is mandatory. Margins cannot be modified.

Please e-mail the two files of your abstract to: multimat-admin@math.uzh.ch with the subject “MultiMat 2022 Abstract - Name and Surname of the speaker" before April 15, 2022.

If you are sending an abstract for a poster presentation, please specify it in your email. Otherwise, the abstract will be automatically considered for an oral presentation.


Review Process

The received abstracts will undergo a review process carried out by the members of the scientific committee. They can be either accepted for an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or rejected.

Notification of acceptance will be sent at the beginning of June 2022.



Despite the current pandemic, we still expect the conference to be hold this year in presence. Those who send their abstract should be aware that there is a risk of cancelation. However we are expecting your abstract because the conference runs only on contributed talks :)