Swiss Numerics Day 2022


Organisiert von: R. Abgrall, S. Sauter

Swiss Numerics Day

Monday, September 12, 2022


The Swiss Numerics Days are series of annual, informal one-day meetings that continue the tradition of the "Journées Suisses d'Analyse Numérique" which were launched in 1976. They aim at bringing together researchers both from the academic and industrial sectors in Switzerland which are active in the fields of

• scientific computing
• numerical analysis
• high-performance computing
• visualization
• numerical analysis in engineering
• computational chemistry, biology, etc.

Invited plenary speakers

Prof. Bruno Despres, Sorbonne Université, France
Prof. Diane Guignard, University of Ottawa, Canada

Important dates

Conference registration deadline: August 28, 2022
Talks submission deadline: July 31st, 2022

There are no registration fees, however, in order to assist with planning the event, we kindly ask all attendants to register, even if you are not planning to give a talk or present a poster.

We look forward to welcoming you in Zurich!

The Local Organizing Committee
Prof. Rémi Abgrall, Prof. Stefan Sauter