Institut für Mathematik

Konferenz Detail

Jochua Greene: Mini-Courses


Monday, 13.07.09
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
14:00-16:00Josh Greene
(Boston College)
Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topologyY27H12
Tuesday, 14.07.09
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
14:00-16:00Josh Greene
(Boston College)
Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topology Y27H12
Wednesday, 15.07.09
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
14:00-16:00Josh Greene
(Boston College)
Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topologyY27H12
Monday, 17.08.09
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
14:00-16:00Josh Greene
(Boston College)
Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topologyY27H12
Tuesday, 18.08.09
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
14:00-16:00Josh Greene
(Boston College)
Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topologyY27H12
Thursday, 20.08.09
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
14:00-16:00Josh Greene
(Boston College)
Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topologyY27H12