HS 24


Homepage Workgroup
Zurich COST Meeting - Random Network Coding and Designs over GF(q)DatumSprecher
New Lower Bounds for Constant Dimension Codes20.06.2013Natalia Silberstein
q-Analogs of Designs and their Automorphism Group20.06.2013Alfred Wassermann
Partial Spread Codes20.06.2013Elisa Gorla
Design of Codes for Repairability in Distributed Storage Systems20.06.2013Frédérique Oggier
MacWilliams Equivalence Theorem for Bi-invariant Weights over Finite Principal Ideal Rings20.06.2013Jens Zumbrägel
q-Analog Problems - Easier or More Difficult to Solve21.06.2013Tuvi Etzion
Secure Network Coding21.06.2013Ghid Maatouk
Network Codes and Algebraic Curves21.06.2013Alberto Ravagnani
On Success Probability in Network Coding21.06.2013Olav Geil
Secure Wiretap Network Codes and Generalized Rank Weights21.06.2013Frédérique Oggier
Algebraic Codes and Horn's Problem21.06.2013Cristina Martínez
Signatures for Network Coding21.06.2013Oliver Gnilke
Basel-Dublin-Zürich Workshop on "Crypto and Coding"DatumSprecher
Simple Semirings - an Overview and New Results12.03.2012Jens Zumbrägel
Finite Simple Semirings12.03.2012Andreas Kendziorra
Semigroup Actions in Two-Party Key Agreement Protocols12.03.2012Oliver Gnilke
Trace Zero Varieties in Cryptography12.03.2012Maike Massierer
Efficient Decoding of Cyclic Codes and Applications in Cryptography12.03.2012Davide Schipani
New Alternant Codes12.03.2012Kyle Marshall
Automorphisms and Isometries of Constant Dimension Codes12.03.2012Anna-Lena Horlemann
On the Probability of Finding a Generating Set of a Lattice12.03.2012Felix Fontein
Third Workshop on "Coding and Systems"DatumSprecher
On equivalence of convolutional codes08.12.2006Ralph August
Topics in the Weight Enumeration of Convolutional Code08.12.2006Gert Schneider
Codes, Lattices, and Cyclotomic fields08.12.2006Michele Elia
List decoding of CRT codes08.12.2006Felice Manganiello
Behaviors over finite rings08.12.2006Jan Willem Polderman
Linear System Modelization of GSM Digital Mobile System08.12.2006Carmen Perea
Multidimensional Hurwitz polynomials and BIBO stability of continuous systems08.12.2006Ulrich Oberst
Breaking the Sidelnikov cryptosystem08.12.2006Lorenz Minder
The Linear Programming Bound for Codes over Rings08.12.2006Eimear Byrne
Elliptic curve cryptography on FPGA23.06.2005Jamshid Shokrollahi
Noisy Polynomial Interpolation and Noisy Chinese Remaindering23.06.2005Daniel Bleichenbacher
Noncommutative Positivestellensaetze07.06.2005Mihai Putinar
Computing the Class Number of an Algebraic Function Field07.06.2005Andreas Stein
Discriminants and Resultants07.06.2005Alicia Dickenstein