Modul:   MAT074  Talks in mathematical physics

On a conjecture by A. Weinstein

Talk by Dr. Iakovos Androulidakis

Speaker invited by: Prof. Dr. Alberto Cattaneo

Date: 21.10.24  Time: 13.30 - 14.30  Room: Y27H25

Geometric (pre)quantization can be performed only for integral symplectic manifolds. In 1989 Alan Weinstein conjectured that using the notion of Diffeology, as well as Noncommutative Geometry methods, one might obtain the representations required to “quantise the unquantisable” from a torus bundle rather than a line bundle. In joint work with P. Antonini, we showed that the obstruction to integrality can be lifted by adding extra dimensions and passing to the diffeological category. In fact, the added dimensions force the C*-algebra associated with this construction to be nothing else than the crossed product algebra associated with a torus action.