Modul:   MAT971  Seminar on Stochastic Processes

Excursion theory for Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree

Talk by Alejandro Rosales Ortiz

Date: 16.10.24  Time: 17.15 - 18.45  Room: ETH HG G 43

We begin by introducing the notion of Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree. We will then present the main aspects of a theory, developed in two recent works with Armand Riera, that describes the evolution of this tree-indexed process between visits to 0. The theory applies to fairly general continuous Markov processes indexed by Lévy trees. Despite the radically different setting, we will see that our results share strong similarities with the celebrated Itô excursion theory for linear Brownian motion. If time permits, we will also discuss some applications to Brownian geometry.