NumPDE Summer Retreat 2015, Disentis
Organized by: M. Grote, R. Hiptmair, D. Kressner, S. Sauter, C. Schwab
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Tuesday - August 18, 2015
Numerical approximation of parabolic equations with singular data by Denis Devaud
Wave splitting for time-dependent scattered field separation by Marie Kray
Numerical approximation of statistical solutions of incompressible flows by Filippo Leonardi
Solving parametrized eigenvalue problems with application to pseudospectra computation by Petar Sirkovic
Primoz Pusnik
Weak convergence rates of spectral Galerkin approximations for second-order hyperbolic stochastic evolution equation by Timo Welti
Ryan Kurniawan
Lukas Herrmann
Wednesday - August 19, 2015
Total variation regularization by iteratively reweighted least squares on Hadamard spaces and Riemannian manifolds by Markus Sprecher
Well-Conditioned Boundary Element Formulation for Scattering at Partly Impenetrable Objects by Elke Spindler
Simon Pintarelli
Ridgelets: An Optimally Adapted Representation System, for Solving Transport Equations by Axel Obermeier