Pro*Doc Summer Retreat 2013, Disentis
Organized by: M. Grote, R. Hiptmair, D. Kressner, S. Sauter, C. Schwab
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August 15, 2013
Deterministic uncertainty quantification in Nano-Optics
by Laura Scarabosio
Sparsity in Bayesian Inversion of Parametric Operator Equations
by Claudia Schillings
Robust massively parallel MLMC-FVM solver for uncertainty quantification in nonlinear conservation laws
by Jonas Sukys
Tractability of halton sequence based QMC quadrature for elliptic PDEs with lognormal diffusion
by Markus Siebenmorgen
Time Reversed Absorbing Conditions: signal reconstruction and application to inverse problems
by Marie Kray
Finite Elements for linear hyperbolic PDEs in polygonal domain
by Fabian Müller
Tensor-structured approach to the Master Equation
by Vladimir Kazeev
Greedy low-rank approaches for general linear matrix equations
by Petar Sirkovic
Approximation Rates for the Hierarchical Tensor Format in Periodic Sobolev Spaces
by Andre Uschmajew
August 16, 2013
Shape Calculus in Nano Optics
by Alberto Paganini
Approximation of Geometric Data
A polar discretization for the Boltzmann equation
by Eivind Fonn
Interior point method for time-dependent problem
by Loredana Gaudio