Swiss Numerics Day 2022
Organized by: R. Abgrall, S. Sauter

Swiss Numerics Day
Monday, September 12, 2022
The Swiss Numerics Days are series of annual, informal one-day meetings that continue the tradition of the "Journées Suisses d'Analyse Numérique" which were launched in 1976. They aim at bringing together researchers both from the academic and industrial sectors in Switzerland which are active in the fields of
• scientific computing • numerical analysis • high-performance computing • visualization • numerical analysis in engineering • computational chemistry, biology, etc.Invited plenary speakers
Prof. Bruno Despres, Sorbonne Université, France Prof. Diane Guignard, University of Ottawa, CanadaImportant dates
Conference registration deadline: August 28, 2022 Talks submission deadline: July 31st, 2022 There are no registration fees, however, in order to assist with planning the event, we kindly ask all attendants to register, even if you are not planning to give a talk or present a poster. We look forward to welcoming you in Zurich! The Local Organizing Committee Prof. Rémi Abgrall, Prof. Stefan SauterVenue
The Swiss Numerics Day will take place at the University of Zurich (main building).
- Lecture hall KO2-F-180, Karl Schmid-Strasse, 48006 Zürich
- Lecture hall KOL-F-117, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
- Lecture hall KOL-F-118, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
A registration is required to participate.Programme
10:30 – 11:20 | KO2-F-180: Bruno Després - invited speaker Approximation of polynomials with Neural Networks and Machine Learning | |
11:20 - 11:50 | Coffee break: Lichthof Nord | |
KOL-F-117 | KOL-F-118 | |
11:50 - 12:10 | Jochen Hinz Spline-Based Parameterisation Techniques | Yannik Gleichmann Adaptive Spectral Decomposition for Inverse Problems |
12:10 - 12:30 | Paride Passelli Anisotropic Adaptive Finite Elements for Aluminium Electrolysis |
Riccardo Tenderini On the Combination between Space–Time Model Order Reduction Methods and Deep Learning for Hæmodynamic Problems |
12:30 – 14:00 | Lunch and poster session: Lichthof Nord | |
14:00 – 14:20 | Conor McCoid Extrapolation methods as nonlinear Krylov methods |
Yongle Liu Flux Globalization Based Well-Balanced Path-Conservative Central-Upwind Schemes for Shallow Water Models |
14:20 – 14:40 | Rik Voorhaar Streaming tensor train approximation |
Lorenzo Micalizzi A novel well-balanced global flux formulation for continuous FEM/RD |
14:40 – 15:30 | Coffee break and poster session: Lichthof Nord | |
15:30 – 15:50 | Andreas Stein Multi-Level Monte Carlo FEM for Elliptic PDEs with Besov Random Tree Priors |
Francesco Florian The skeleton equation method for acoustic transmission problems with varying coefficients |
15:50 – 16:10 | Tim De Ryck Generic bounds on the approximation error for physics-informed (and) operator learning |
Yanchen He Analytic regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations in polygons with mixed boundary conditions |
16:10 – 17:00 | KO2-F-180: Diane Guignard - invited speaker Numerical approximation of the deformation of thin plates |
First name | Last name | Affiliation |
Abgrall | Rémi | UZH |
Amrein | Mario | ZHAW |
Bartolucci | Francesca | ETH Zürich |
Bohne | Nis-Erik | UZH |
Caboussat | Alexandre | HES-SO |
Carrel | Benjamin | Université de Genève |
Chaudet-Dumas | Bastien | Université de Genève |
De Bézenac | Emmanuel | ETH Zürich |
De Rick | Tim | ETH Zürich |
Discacciati | Niccolò | EPFL |
Fallahpour | Merlin | Universität Basel |
Florian | Francesco | UZH |
Girardin | Maude | EPFL |
Gleichmann | Yannik | Universität Basel |
Gradinaru | Vasile | ETH Zürich |
Grote | Marcus | Universität Basel |
Häberli | Ramona | Université de Genève |
Harbrecht | Helmut | Universität Basel |
He | Haoze | EPFL |
He | Yanchen | ETH Zürich |
Henriquez | Fernando | EPFL |
Hinz | Jochen | EPFL |
Hiptmair | Ralf | ETH Zürich |
Ibragimov | Zarif | Universität Bern |
Kalmykov | Ilja | Universität Basel |
Käppeli | Roger | ETH Zürich |
Karnaev | Viacheslav | Universität Basel |
Kast | Mariella | EPFL |
Krause | Rolf | Euler Institute, USI Lugano |
Kressner | Daniel | EPFL |
Labarca | Ignacio | ETH Zürich |
Lam | Hei Yin | EPFL |
Liu | Ping | ETH Zürich |
Liu | Yongle | UZH |
Longo | Marcello | ETH Zürich |
Lopez | Hector | UPC |
Ma | Yuxin | EPFL |
McCoid | Conor | Université de Genève |
Micalizzi | Lorenzo | UZH |
Michel | Simon | Universität Bern |
Molinaro | Roberto | ETH Zürich |
Nägel | Arne | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
Nassajian Mojarrad | Fatemeh | UZH |
Opschoor | Jost | ETH Zürich |
Outrata | Michal | Université de Genève |
Panchal | Piyush | ETH Zürich |
Passelli | Paride | EPFL |
Persson | David | EPFL |
Picasso | Marco | EPFL |
Pogozelskyte | Ausra | Université de Genève |
Reyes | Ricardo | EPFL |
Rietmann | Oliver | ETH Zürich |
Santos | Carina | Universität Basel |
Sauter | Stefan | UZH |
Schmidlin | Marc | Universität Basel |
Schwab | Christoph | ETH Zürich |
Séguin | Axel | EPFL |
Sokolov | Tetiana | UZH |
Stein | Andreas | ETH Zürich |
Strössner | Christoph | EPFL |
Tenderini | Riccardo | EPFL |
Vandereycken | Bart | Université de Genève |
Vanzan | Tommaso | EPFL |
Voigt | Matthias | FernUni Schweiz |
von Rickenbach | Remo | Universität Basel |
Voorhaar | Rik | Université de Genève |
Wihler | Thomas | Universität Bern |
Yu | Tianwei | ETH Zürich |
Zanoni | Andrea | EPFL |
Year | Date | Hosting institution | Host/organizer |
1976 | Oct 11-13 | EPF Lausanne | J. Descloux, J. Marti |
1980 | Oct 15-17 | ETH Zürich | W. Gander, P. Henrici, J. Marti |
1981 | May 8 | EPF Lausanne | J. Descloux |
1982 | May 7 | ETH Zürich | J. Marti |
1983 | May 13 | Université de Fribourg | H. Brunner |
1984 | May 25 | Université de Neuchâtel | P. Banderet |
1985 | Mar 29 | HTL Buchs SG | W. Gander |
1986 | Mar 7 | Université de Genève | B. Gisin, G. Sottas,G. Wanner |
1987 | Apr 10 | Ecole Technique d'Informatique Sierre VS | J-M. Blanc, R. Roubaty, M.A. Berclaz |
1988 | Apr 15 | ABB Baden-Dättwil | H. Niessner, W.J. Wiesman, J. Bernasconi |
1989 | Apr 14 | Universität Zürich | H.R. Schwarz |
1990 | Apr 20 | PSI Villigen | St. Adam, E. Gujer |
1991 | May 14 | EPF Lausanne | J. Rappaz, M. Romerio |
1992 | Apr 16 | ETH Zürich | J. Marti |
1993 | Apr 1 | Université de Fribourg | J-P. Berrut |
1994 | Apr 15 | ABB Baden-Dättwil | H. Niessner, W.J. Wiesman, W. Egli |
1995 | Apr 7 | Université de Neuchâtel | O. Besson |
1997 | Mar 5 | Université de Genève | G. Wanner, E. Hairer |
1999 | Oct 12 | HTL Fribourg | J-M. Blanc |
2005 | Mar 24 | Universität Zürich | St. Sauter, M. Chipot |
2006 | Apr 12 | EPF Lausanne | J. Rappaz, A. Janka |
2007 | Apr 4 | Université de Genève | M. Gander, E. Hairer, K. Santugini |
2008 | Apr 25 | Université de Fribourg | J-P. Berrut, A. Janka |
2009 | Apr 24 | Universität Basel | D. Cohen, M. Grote, O. Schenk |
2010 | Apr 16 | ETH Zürich | R. Hiptmair, R. Jeltsch, Ch. Schwab |
2011 | May 6 | USI Lugano | R. Krause, I. Horenko |
2012 | Apr 13 | Universität Bern | T. Wihler |
2013 | Apr 5 | EPF Lausanne | A. Abdulle, S. Deparis, D. Kressner, F. Nobile, M. Picasso, A. Quarteroni |
2014 | Apr 25 | Universität Zürich | St. Sauter, M. Chipot |
2015 | Apr 17 | Université de Genève | M. J. Gander, B. Vandereycken, G. Vilmart |
2016 | Apr 22 | USI Lugano | J-P. Berrut, R. Baltensperger, A. Janka |
2017 | Apr 28 | Universität Basel | M. Grote, H. Harbrecht |
2018 | Apr 20 | ETH Zürich | H. Ammari, R. Hiptmair, S. Mishra, C. Schwab |
2019 | May 10 | USI Lugano | I. Horenko, R. Krause, M. Multerer, I. Pivkin, O. Schenk, E. Wit |
2021 | Sep 13 | EPF Lausanne | A. Abdulle, N. Boumal, A. Buffa, S. Deparis, J. Hesthaven, D. Kressner, M. Picasso |