Prof. Dr. Joseph Najnudel, University of Bristol (Bristol, UK)
16.12.24 - 20.12.24
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Armand Riera, LPSM Sorbonne Université (Paris)
16.12.24 - 20.12.24
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Konstantin Walter Wernli, University of Southern Denmark
Talk: Gluing formulas for heat kernels
16.12.24 - 20.12.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Djalil Chafaï, Université Paris-Dauphine
15.12.24 - 17.12.24
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Lorenzo Micalizzi, NC State University (Raleigh, North Carolina)
12.12.24 - 20.12.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Maurice Duits, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, SE)
10.12.24 - 17.12.24
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Christian Blanchet, Université Paris 7 (France)
09.12.24 - 13.12.24
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Gabriel Hernan Berzunza-Ojeda, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool (Liverpool)
Talk: Fringe trees for random trees with given vertex degrees
27.11.24 - 28.11.24
Bertoin, Jean
Erick Gordillo, - (-)
26.11.24 - 29.11.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Max Auer, University of Maryland (-)
Talk: Trimmed Ergodic Sums for Non-integrable Functions over Irrational Rotations
25.11.24 - 09.12.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Prof. Dr. Xuwen Chen, Department of Mathematics, University of Rochester (Rochester. NY)
Talk: Global Derivation of the 1D Vlasov-Poisson Equation from Quantum Many-body Dynamics
25.11.24 - 29.11.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Meg Doucette, University of Maryland (College Park)
Talk: Smooth Models for Fibered Partially Hyperbolic Systems
25.11.24 - 15.12.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Zita Abreu, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro (Aveiro)
22.11.24 - 28.11.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. David Gérard-Varet, IMJ-PRG, Université Paris Cité (Paris)
22.11.24 - 23.11.24
Widmayer, Klaus
Prof. Dr. Dimitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland
Talk: Statistical properties of random dynamical systems
20.11.24 - 01.12.24
Avila, Artur
20.11.24 - 23.11.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Robert Laugwitz, University of Nottingham (Nottingham UK)
18.11.24 - 22.11.24
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Michael Hochman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem)
12.11.24 - 12.11.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
11.11.24 - 13.11.24
Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Luc Lehéricy, Université Côte d'Azur
Talk: Deconvolution with unknown noise distribution for structured signals
09.11.24 - 17.11.24
Coculescu, Delia Marina
Dr. Hamid Al-Saqban, Universität Paderborn (Paderborn)
Talk: A Central Limit Theorem for the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle
03.11.24 - 08.11.24
Avila, Artur
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
01.11.24 - 05.11.24
Kresch, Andrew
Joscha Henheik, IST Austria
Talk: Universalities in BCS theory
30.10.24 - 01.11.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Francoise Maucourant, - (-)
30.10.24 - 01.11.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Dr. Yuval Yifrach, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
30.10.24 - 12.11.24
Gorodnik, Alexander
Filippo Fila-Robattino, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
27.10.24 - 01.11.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Pietro Grassi, - (-)
27.10.24 - 28.10.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Fatih Ecevit, Department of Mathematics, Boğaziçi University (Istanbul)
Talk: High-frequency BEM for sound-soft/hard multiple scattering and applications to the scattering amplitude
21.10.24 - 25.10.24
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Iakovos Androulidakis,
Talk: On a conjecture by A. Weinstein
20.10.24 - 23.10.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Michael Cranston, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine (Irvine, USA)
13.10.24 - 17.10.24
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Giuseppe Sirianni, Politecnico di Milano (Milano)
08.10.24 - 01.12.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Cristinel Mardare, Sorbonne Université (Paris)
Talk: On the divergence equation and its relation to Korn’s inequalities
06.10.24 - 12.10.24
Sauter, Stefan
Matthias Byléhn, - (-)
02.10.24 - 03.10.24
Gorodnik, Alexander
Dr. Violetta Weger, Technical University of Munich (Munich)
02.10.24 - 02.10.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Prof. Dr. Christiane Helzel, Mathematisches Institut, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf)
Talk: Active Flux Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
01.10.24 - 03.10.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Tanja Schindler, - (-)
30.09.24 - 04.10.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Prof. Dr. Jung Kyu Canci, Université de Neuchâtel & Hochschule Luzern (Neuchâtel & Luzern)
25.09.24 - 25.09.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
Talk: On a class of convolutional codes with optimal column distances and efficient decoding algorithm
18.09.24 - 27.09.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Caroline Uhler, M.I.T. (Cambridge, USA)
10.09.24 - 12.09.24
Coculescu, Delia Marina
Prof. Dr. Serge Belongie , Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen)
09.09.24 - 13.09.24
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Anikó Hannák, Department of Informatics, UZH (Zürich)
09.09.24 - 13.09.24
Bovet, Alexandre
Prof. Dr. Jens Markus Melenk, Vienna University of Technology (Vienna)
09.09.24 - 13.09.24
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Ivo Sbalzarini, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (Dresden)
09.09.24 - 14.09.24
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Siyu Tang, Department of Computer Science, ETHZ (Zürich)
09.09.24 - 13.09.24
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Leto Peel, Department of Data Analytics and Digitalisation, Maastricht University (Maastricht)
08.09.24 - 12.09.24
Bovet, Alexandre
Dr. Katy Loyd, University of Maryland (College Park, USA)
Talk: Pointwise Ergodic Averages along Sequences of Slow Growth
01.09.24 - 31.12.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Qiuyu Ren, Berkeley (USA)
25.08.24 - 01.09.24
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Carsten Carstensen, Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Berlin)
23.08.24 - 28.08.24
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Adam Kanigowski, University of Maryland (College Park)
19.08.24 - 31.08.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Dr. Luca Fresta, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.08.24 - 15.08.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Wanseok Lee, (Daejeon, Korea)
01.08.24 - 15.08.24
Brodmann, Markus
Marco Bianchini, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) (L’Aquila (IT))
29.07.24 - 02.08.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Peter Veerman, Portland State University (Portland)
20.07.24 - 27.07.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Daniele Ferretti, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) (L'Aquila (IT))
18.07.24 - 19.07.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Euisung Park, Korea University at Seoul (Seoul)
18.07.24 - 15.08.24
Brodmann, Markus
Dr. Reynold Fregoli, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
13.07.24 - 20.07.24
Gorodnik, Alexander
Prof. Dr. Nimish Shah, Ohio State University
12.07.24 - 18.07.24
Gorodnik, Alexander
Haram Ko, Department of Mathematics, Brown University (Providence, RI)
01.07.24 - 12.07.24
Widmayer, Klaus
Prof. Dr. Amos Nevo, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)
30.06.24 - 07.07.24
Gorodnik, Alexander
Prof. Dr. Raman Parimala, Emory University (Atlanta)
25.06.24 - 28.06.24
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
25.06.24 - 29.06.24
Kresch, Andrew
PD Dr. Matthieu Faitg, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)
10.06.24 - 13.06.24
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Vedran Sohinger, University of Warwick (Coventry)
10.06.24 - 15.06.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Niels Patriz Benedikter, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) (Klosterneuburg)
02.06.24 - 04.06.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Jitomirskaya, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta (USA))
02.06.24 - 09.06.24
Avila, Artur
Dr. Sascha Lill, Università degli studi di Milano (Milano)
02.06.24 - 04.06.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Frank Trujillo, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
02.06.24 - 08.06.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Tom Ariel, KU Leuven (Leuven)
28.05.24 - 01.06.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Charlotte Kirchhoff Lukat, KU Leuven (Leuven)
28.05.24 - 01.06.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Andreas Schüßler , KU Leuven (Leuven)
28.05.24 - 01.06.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Karandeep Singh, KU Leuven (Leuven)
28.05.24 - 01.06.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Dr. Marco Zambon, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spanien)
28.05.24 - 01.06.24
Cattaneo, Alberto
Magali Jay, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille, France)
Talk: Tiling billiard in the wind-tree model
27.05.24 - 31.05.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Theodore Drivas, Stony Brook University
24.05.24 - 26.05.24
Widmayer, Klaus
Prof. Dr. Tarek Elgindi, Department of Mathematics, Duke University (Durham)
24.05.24 - 26.05.24
Widmayer, Klaus
Prof. Dr. Charles Collot, CY Cergy Paris Université (Paris)
Talk: Asymptotic stability of traveling waves for one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equations
23.05.24 - 24.05.24
Widmayer, Klaus
Dr. Mikolaj Fraczyk, Jagiellonian University (Krakow)
Talk: Higher rank rigidity and discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups
21.05.24 - 23.05.24
Gorodnik, Alexander
Prof. Dr. Harald Helfgott, CNRS (Jussieu)
Talk: Expansion, divisibility and parity
21.05.24 - 23.05.24
Avila, Artur
Prof. Dr. Géronimo Uribe Bravo, Instituto de Matématicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (Ciudad de México, D.F., México)
Talk: A pathwise approach to time change
15.05.24 - 17.05.24
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Fabrizio Caragiulo, SISSA (Trieste)
13.05.24 - 17.05.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Harman Preet Singh , SISSA (Trieste)
13.05.24 - 17.05.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Alessandro Olgiati, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
05.05.24 - 07.05.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Alberto Merici, University of Milan (Milano)
Talk: Log prismatic cohomology, motivic spectra and comparison theorems
29.04.24 - 01.05.24
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Gianira Nicoletta Alfarano, Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven)
24.04.24 - 26.04.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Louise Gassot, CNRS IRMAR (Rennes)
Talk: Zero-dispersion limit for the Benjamin-Ono Equation
24.04.24 - 26.04.24
Widmayer, Klaus
Dr. Alessandro Neri, Ghent University (Ghent)
24.04.24 - 26.04.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Bouchra Bensiali, École Centrale Casablanca (Casablanca)
23.04.24 - 14.06.24
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Viet Hoang, Universität Tübingen (Tübingen)
23.04.24 - 24.04.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Irene Pasquinelli, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Paris)
23.04.24 - 09.05.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Peter Pickl, Universität München
23.04.24 - 24.04.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Karla Traulsen, Deutschland (Deutschland)
23.04.24 - 24.04.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Zeitlin, ENS Paris (Paris)
23.04.24 - 01.05.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Leonardo Goller, SISSA (Trieste)
22.04.24 - 26.04.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Andrea Sanguineti, Department of Mathematics, University of Genoa (Genoa)
22.04.24 - 25.04.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Andreas Strömbergsson, Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden )
Talk: An effective equidistribution result in the space of 2-dimensional tori with k marked points
21.04.24 - 25.04.24
Burrin, Claire
Prof. Dr. Sébastien Biebler, Université Paris Cité (Paris)
Talk: Non-density of hyperbolicity in complex dynamics in several variables
16.04.24 - 19.04.24
Ulcigrai, Corinna
Prof. Dr. Vincent Perrier, Inria (Pau)
Talk: How to preserve a divergence or a curl constraint in a hyperbolic system with the discontinuous Galerkin method
16.04.24 - 20.04.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Michael Rassias, Hellenic Military Academy (HMA) (Vari, Greece)
16.04.24 - 18.04.24
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Carsten Carstensen, Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Berlin)
07.04.24 - 13.04.24
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. David Urbanik, IHES (Paris)
Talk: Arithmetic deformation of line bundles
07.04.24 - 10.04.24
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Marcin Napiórkowski, University of Warsaw (Wasaw)
Talk: Beliaev damping in Bose gas
27.03.24 - 29.03.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Jean-Jil Duchamps, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon)
Talk: Local weak convergence for a general stochastic SIR model
20.03.24 - 21.03.24
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Matteo Cinelli, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)
Talk: Echo Chambers and Polarization in Online Social Media
19.03.24 - 26.03.24
Bovet, Alexandre
Prof. Dr. Sylvain Crovisier, CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay (Orsay)
18.03.24 - 22.03.24
Avila, Artur
Prof. Dr. Amie Wilkinson, University of Chicago (Chicago)
17.03.24 - 24.03.24
Avila, Artur
Dr. Yi Pan, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (Klosterneuburg, Austria)
Talk: Reducibility of quasi-periodic cocycles valued in symplectic groups
16.03.24 - 21.03.24
Avila, Artur
Prof. Dr. Anna Florio, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (Paris)
Talk: Birkhoff attractor of dissipative billiards
12.03.24 - 14.03.24
Avila, Artur
Prof. Dr. Martin Leguil, École polytechnique (Palaiseau, France)
Talk: Rigidity of u-Gibbs measures for certain Anosov diffeomorphisms of the 3-torus.
12.03.24 - 14.03.24
Avila, Artur
Dr. Luca Fresta, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.03.24 - 15.03.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Victor Rivero, CIMAT (Guanajuato, Mexico)
Talk: Recurrent extensions and Stochastic Differential equations
11.03.24 - 15.03.24
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Julia Lieb, Institut für Mathematik, TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau)
10.03.24 - 18.03.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ivo Sbalzarini, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (Dresden)
Talk: Numerical solution and data-driven inference of active material models in biology
06.03.24 - 08.03.24
Furrer, Reinhard
Dr. Luca Fresta, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Fermionic stochastic analysis
04.03.24 - 08.03.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Dr. Khu Vu Van, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Talk: Coding for Data Storage Systems
03.03.24 - 09.03.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Yeow Meng Chee, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
02.03.24 - 04.03.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Daniella Bar-Lev, Technion (Haifa)
Talk: The DNA Storage Channel: From Theory to Practice
26.02.24 - 01.03.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Pierre-Loic Méliot, Département de Mathématiques, Université d'Orsay (Orsay, FR)
22.02.24 - 28.02.24
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Huyên Xuan Pham, Université Paris Diderot (Paris, France)
Talk: Nonparametric generative modeling for time series via Schrödinger bridge
20.02.24 - 23.02.24
Coculescu, Delia Marina
Enrico Zampa, Università di Trento (Trento)
11.02.24 - 24.02.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Guglielmo Scovazzi, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University (Durham)
Talk: The Shifted Boundary Method: How Approximate Boundaries Can Help in Complex-Geometry Computations
01.02.24 - 30.06.24
Abgrall, Rémi
Yutian Sun, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
01.02.24 - 31.01.25
Burrin, Claire
Dr. Fanny Cartellier, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
28.01.24 - 04.02.24
Coculescu, Delia Marina
Dr. Marco De Renzi, Université de Montpellier (Montpellier)
23.01.24 - 26.01.24
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Azat Gainutdinov, Institut Denis-Poisson, CNRS, Université de Tours, Tours, France (Tours)
23.01.24 - 25.01.24
Beliakova, Anna
Leonardo Goller, SISSA (Trieste)
18.01.24 - 26.01.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Lobillo Borrero, Universidad de Granada (Granada, Spain)
17.01.24 - 24.01.24
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Marcello Porta,
05.10.23 - 31.10.24
Schlein, Benjamin
Arianna Francesca Piana, Dept. of Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot)
16.08.23 - 12.03.24
Schlein, Benjamin