Applied Statistics


We summarize the group's main research output in form of presentations, workshops and posters (since 2018). The list here is representative of our work but by no means exhaustive.

For (peer-reviewed journal) publications with R. Furrer as (co-)author, see also publication summary, arXiv or ZORA. Software output is listed here.


Furrer, R. (2024) "Wie sieht meine Zukunft mit KI aus? (ein paar Gedanken)" at Kick-start your Career with AI, (Slides)

Laguna, J. M., Nyantakyi, E., Bhattacharyya, U.,  Blum, K., Delucchi, M., Klingebiel, F. K.-L., Labarile, M., Roggo, A., Weber, M. Radtke, T., Puhan, M. A. and Hincapié C. A. (2024). Is blinding in studies of manual soft tissue mobilisation of the back possible? A feasibility randomised controlled trial with Swiss graduate students. Chiropr. Man. Therap., 32, 3 (2024).


Hediger, M.: A note on maximal conditional entropy on Lebesgue spaces.

Gericke, C, Kirabali, T, Flury, R, et al.: Early β-amyloid accumulation in the brain is associated with peripheral T cell alterations. Alzheimer's Dement. 2023; 1-21.

Grüninger, S.: Stefano Franscini: The Statistician who Built a Nation out of Numbers. Significance, 20(4), 40–43,

Grüninger, S.: Stefano Franscini - Mit seinen Statistiken schuf er die Schweiz. NZZ am Sonntag.

Grüninger, S.: Linke Frauen, Rechte Männer? Wie man mit Zahlen politische Gräben aushebt. Reatch-Blog.



Drude, N.I., Martinez-Gamboa, L., Danziger, M. et al. BMC Translational Medicine Communications Planning preclinical confirmatory multicenter trials to strengthen translation from basic to clinical research. 7, 24.

Hemri, S., Hewson, T., Gascón, E., Rajczak, J., Bhend, J., Spirig, C., Moret, L., and Liniger M. A.: How do ecPoint precipitation forecasts compare with postprocessed multi-model ensemble predictions over Switzerland? ECMWF Tech Memo, Reading, UK.

Furrer, R.: Asymptotic properties of truncated-ML estimators based on covariance approximations. Compstat 2022, Bologna, Slides

Lakatos, M., Lerch, S., Hemri, S., & Baran, S.: Comparison of multivariate post-processing methods using global ECMWF ensemble forecasts. arXiv preprint,

Hemri, S., Bhend, J., Spirig, C., Nerini, D., Moret, L., Furrer, R., and Liniger, M. A.: Postprocessing of gridded precipitation forecasts using conditional generative adversarial networks and quantile regression, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022, EGU22-5609,

Hemri, S., Dai, Y., Bhend, J., Spirig, C., Nerini, D., Furrer, R., Moret, L. and Liniger, M. A.: Spatially coherent postprocessing of cloud cover and precipitation forecasts using generative adversarial networks, ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop, online, 29 March - 1 April 2022,  Slides

Kessler, S. H., Cano Pardo, M. S. and Grüninger, S.: Statistiken schlüssig schildern: Was grafische Statistiken verständlich und vertrauenswürdig macht. European Journalism Observatory.  

Grüninger, S.: Schiefer Rahmen: Wie Medienschaffende eine Initiative schönschreiben. Medienwoche.

Paganini, C. and Grüninger, S.: Das kritische Denken der Intellektuellen ist heute so öffentlich wie nie zuvor. Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Link.



Hemri, S., Bhend, J., Spirig, C., Furrer, R., Moret, L., and Liniger, M. A.: Spatially consistent postprocessing of precipitation over complex topography , EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 Sep 2021, EMS2021-129,

Furrer, R: Computational Reproduciblilty, DACH Epidemiologietagung, 1. - 3. September 2021, Bern, CH. Slides.

Furrer, R, Flury, R. and Blasi. F. Spatial Statistics for Huge Datasets and Best Practices, useR! 2021 Conference, online,

Cherneva, K., Furrer, R. and Tarigan, B.: SampleSizeR: calculate sample sizes within completely randomized design, doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/NF9P2 [online]. Available at:

Tarigan, B.: Planning Experiments and Sample Size Calculations, StatsBrief.

Tarigan, B. and Cherneva, K.: Sample Size Calculation for one-way ANOVA with Repeated Measures in Time, StatsBrief.

Tarigan, B.: Comparing survival curves, StatsBrief.

Dai, Y. and Hemri, S.: Spatially coherent postprocessing of cloud cover forecasts using generative adversarial networks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19-30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4374,

Brunner, M. I., Furrer, R., and Gilleland, E.: Functional data clustering as a powerful tool to group streamflow regimes and flood hydrographs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-375,

Dambon, J. A.: Gaussian Process-based Spatially Varying Coefficient Models, Kernel Club, Colorado School of Mines, Presentation. Slides.

Grüninger, S.: Datenkompetenz: Wer Zahlen sprechen hört, sollte zum Arzt gehen. Medienwoche. Link

Grüninger, S.: Mehr Mut zur Anekdote: Wissenschaftskommunikation in der Zahlenfalle. Medienwoche.

Grüninger, S.: Corona: Die Toten von gestern entschuldigen nicht das Sterben von heute. Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Grüninger, S.: Corona-Statistiken auf dem Prüfstand: Was uns Schweizer Medien servieren. Medienwoche.

Kessler, S.H., Jobin, A., Grüninger, S. and Georgi, F.:  Was können wir aus Covid-19 Fake News über die Verbreitung von Fehlinformationen im Allgemeinen lernen?

Grüninger, S.: Es geht nicht um Tierversuche, es geht um ein Forschungsverbot. NZZ am Sonntag.



Furrer, R.: How to Peer Review. Presentation for the EpiBiostat PhD Program. Recorded presentation (uncut).

Dambon, J.: varycoef: Modeling Spatially Varying Coefficients. eRum 2020, virtual conference. Presentation. Slides.

Flury, R.: Identification of Dominant Features in Spatial Data. Research in progress talk. Slides.

Staudinger, M., Furrer, R. and Viviroli, D.: A framework to characterize flood events of defined return period ranges using functional boxplots, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU2020-9950,

Dambon, J. A., Fahrländer, S. S., Karlen, S., Lehner, M., Schlesinger, J., Sigrist, F., Zimmermann, A.: Examining the Vintage Effect in Hedonic Pricing using Spatially Varying Coefficients Models: A Case Study of Single-Family Houses in the Canton of Zurich, Preprint, ResearchGate.

Dambon, J. A.: organization and chairing of invited topic-contributed session “Advances in Disease Mapping” at Joint Statistical Meetings 2020, virtual conference, Session Info.

Grüninger, S.: Statistiken sollten Erkenntnisse schaffen, nicht Meinungen bestätigen. Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Grüninger, S.: Auch bei Covid-19 gilt: Zahlen sprechen nie für sich. Higgs - Das Wissenschaftsmagazin.

Grüninger, S.: Statistiken geben niemandem recht, aber sie können Rechthaber entlarven. Reatch-Blog.


Dambon, J.: varycoef: An R Package to Model Spatially Varying Coefficients. Swiss Statistics Seminar, Bern, Switzerland. Poster.

Furrer, R.: Interpolation for huge spatial datasets: theory, implementations and ideas. University of Geneva, Presentation.

Flury, R.: A Spatial Field Decomposition Approach to Evaluate Biodiversity Indices on Dominant Scales. JSM Denver, USA, Presentation. Slides.

Dambon, J.: Spatially Varying Coefficients Models: How MLE Stacks up Against Other Methods. JSM Denver, USA, Presentation. Slides.

Furrer, R.: Scalable gapfilling in spatio- temporal remote sensing data. JSM Denver, USA, Presentation. Slides.

Flury, R.: Multiresolution Decomposition of Areal Count Data, Graspa 2019. Pescara, It. Poster.

Schuh, L.: Advancing Methods to Model Landscape Heterogeneity. Global Change and Biodiversity: Integrating the impact of earth and world drivers across scales, Monte Verità, Switzerland. Poster.

Dambon, J.: Spatially Varying Coefficients Models for Large Data using MLE. Spatial Statistics 2019, Sitges, S. Presentation.

Furrer, R.: Modeling and prediction of extreme events over networks. Workshop on "Causality and Extremes", Presentation. Slides.

Furrer, R.: Share your Code?. EBPI colloquium , Discussion. Slides.

Kratzer, G.: Regression models, mixed models and and introduction to ggplot: good scientific practice for Neuroscientists using R programming language. In: Advanced statistics workshop, University of Zurich, Feb. 6th. and 7th. Presentation in Workshop.

Furrer, R.: Interpolation for huge spatial datasets: theory, implementations and ideas. Department of Statistics, University of Uppsala, Sweden, Jan. 30th. Invited seminar talk. Slides.


Kratzer, G.: Bayesian Networks meet Observational data. 1st Causality workshop, Zurich University, Switzerland, Dec. 4th. Workshop (Main Organizer). Slides.

Furrer, R.: The Power and Limits of Statistics. 2-day Molecular Life Sciences PhD Programme Course "Different perspectives on Responsible Research and Good Scientific Practice", Nov. 12th. Presentation. Slides.

Furrer, R.: Imputing missing values in satellite data: From parametric to non-parametric approaches. Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Nov. 13th. Invited seminar talk. Slides.

Kratzer, G.: Information-Theoretic Scoring Rules to Learn Additive Bayesian Network Applied to Epidemiology. Swiss Statistical Society, Bern University, Switzerland, Nov. 9th. 2018. Poster.

Dambon, J.: Spatially Varying Coefficients Models: A Comparison of Maximum Likelihood Estimators with other Estimators. Swiss Statistics Seminar 2018, University of Bern, Switzerland, Nov.9th. Poster.

Kratzer, G.: Multivariable analysis: variable and model selection in system epidemiology. Danone, Utrecht, the Netherlands, Oct. 4th. 2018. Invited seminar talk. Slides.

Furrer, R.: Imputing missing values in satellite data: From parametric to non-parametric approaches. Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Public University of Navarre, Spain, Sept. 26th. Invited seminar talk. Slides.

Kratzer, G.: Academical statistical consulting service for veterinary research and case study about ethic and statistics. M-14E Current topics of Laboratory Animal Science, University of Zurich, Sep. 14th. Presentation in Workshop.

Wang, C.: Generalised Spatial Fusion Model Framework for Multivariate Analysis of Point and Areal Data. GeoEnv2018, Belfast, July 4th. Presentation. Slides.

Kratzer, G.: Comparison between Suitable Priors for Additive Bayesian Networks. BAYSM 2018, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, Jul. 2nd. 2018. Poster.

Furrer, R.: Predicting missing values in spatio-temporal satellite data. ISNPS 2018, Salerno, June 14th. Presentation in Invited Session. Slides.

Kratzer, G.: Bayesian Networks Learning in a Nutshell. Brown Bag Seminar at ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland, May 30th. Invited seminar talk. Slides.

Kratzer, G.: Advances in Additive Bayesian Network applied to observational systems epidemiology datasets. Institute of Global Health, Geneva University, Switzerland, May 2nd. Invited seminar talk. Slides.

Schuh, L.: Regional climate regulation by different land cover types: comparing homogeneous and heterogeneous structures in agricultural landscapes. EGU, Vienna. Poster.

Kratzer, G.: Information-Theoretic Scoring Rules to Learn Additive Bayesian Network Applied to Epidemiology. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM), Tallinn, Estonia, Mar. 22th. 2018. Poster.