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Applied Statistics


R package spam

spam: an R package, a collection of functions based in R/Fortran for sparse matrix algebra, tailored for MCMC calculations within GMRF or GRF with compactly supported covariance functions. Emphasis is given on a comprehensive, simple, tutorial structure of the code. 

A stable version of the package is posted on CRAN.

The current devel version is posted here (spam_devel.tar.gz).

R package dotCall64

dotCall64: Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long Vectors.
An alternative version of .C() and .Fortran() supporting long vectors and 64-bit integer type arguments. The provided interface .C64() features mechanisms the avoid unnecessary copies of read-only or write-only arguments. This makes it a convenient and fast interface to C/C++ and Fortran code.

A stable version of the package is posted on CRAN, a development version is posted here.

R package eggCounts

eggCounts: An R package to assess anthelmintic efficacy using Bayesian hierarchical models for faecal egg count data. We have implemented a new Bayesian inference approach through Stan MCMC sampling scheme. Notice that older version did have some issues with the unpaired setting.

A stable version of the package is posted on CRAN. We recommend to update the package.

The most recent version is posted here (eggCounts_devel.tar.gz).

R package abn

abn: An R package to providing routines to help determine optimal Bayesian network models for a given data set, where these models are used to identify statistical dependencies in messy, complex data.

A stable version of the package is posted on CRAN.

More information can be found at http://www.r-bayesian-networks.org.  

R package gsbDesign

gsbDesign: An R package to evaluate group sequential operating characteristics for clinical, Bayesian two-arm trials with known Sigma and normal endpoints.

A stable version of the package is posted on CRAN.

LaTeX Stylefile pfuef

pfuef: a PDFLaTeX stylefile to create presentations which does not require any post processing and which handles different types of backgrounds but produces easily different types of printable versions. Available at www.math.uzh.ch/furrer/research/software.shtml.

