Institut für Mathematik


Konferenz: Journées Cartes

Finding Adam in recursive trees

Vortrag von Alice Contat
Datum: 12.06.23   Zeit: 14.30 - 15.30   Raum: Y27H28

Let $(T (n) : n \geq 1)$ be a process of trees constructed recursively (vertex by vertex, for example the Barabàsi—Albert tree process). Given an observation of $T(n)$ for a given $n$ (large) without labeling, our goal is to find the initial vertex (Adam). More precisely, one wants to output a subset of vertices as small as possible, which contains the initial vertex with probability at least $1 − \varepsilon$. After a quick overview of the existing literature on uniform and preferential attachment recursive trees, I will show you that to find Adam, it is a better idea to look for Eve.