Brief description of the Workshop

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts in the field of Optimal Transport and Branched Transport, both from the theoretical and the numerical point of view, to discuss the state of the art, some recent results and some relevant open problems. A limited amount of funds is available to cover accomodation expenses (preference will be given to early stage researchers): see the registration section for further details.

Funding by the UZH Graduate Campus via a GRC Grant is gratefully aknowledged



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ORGANIZERS :  Maria Colombo (ETH-ITS Zurich) 
                            Antonio De Rosa (University of Zurich)
                            Andrea Marchese (University of Zurich)
                            Annalisa Massaccesi
(University of Zurich)


Confirmed Speakers:

  • Alessio Brancolini (University of Münster) 
  • Simone Di Marino (SNS Pisa)
  • Luca Ferrari (Ecole Polytechnique)
  • Alessio Figalli (ETH Zurich)
  • Michael Goldman (University of Paris 7)
  • Yash Jhaveri (ETH Zurich)
  • Connor Mooney (ETH Zurich)
  • Giandomenico Orlandi (University of Verona)
  • Edouard Oudet (University of Grenoble)
  • Paul Pegon (University of Paris 11)
  • Alessandra Pluda (University of Regensburg)
  • Mario Putti (University of Padova)
  • Roca Riu Mireia (ETH Zurich)
  • Filippo Santambrogio (University of Paris 11)
  • Bozhidar Velichkov (University of Grenoble)