Swiss Knots 2011

Knot Theory and Algebra

Lake Thun, May 23-27

Khovanov-Seidel quiver algebras and bordered Floer homology

Prof. Dr. Stephan Wehrli's talk
Date: 26.05.11   Time: 15.00 - 15.50   Room: Gwatt Zentrum

Coauthors: Denis Auroux, Julia Elisenda Grigsby

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss a connection between certain Khovanov- and Heegaard Floer-type invariants for knots, braids, and 3-manifolds. Specifically, I will explain how the bordered Floer homology bimodule associated to the branched double-cover of a braid is related to a similar bimodule defined by Khovanov and Seidel.